Revision: 5589

Author:   j_arndt
Date:     2009-07-16 15:46:28 +0000 (Thu, 16 Jul 2009)

Log Message:
munin: relocated apache sample config, added patch for monospaced font, moved 
plugins to /opt/csw/libexec

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Modified: csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/Makefile
--- csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/Makefile   2009-07-16 15:33:32 UTC (rev 5588)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/Makefile   2009-07-16 15:46:28 UTC (rev 5589)
@@ -16,13 +16,16 @@
 DISTFILES += $(call admfiles,CSWmuninmaster, prototype postinstall)
 DISTFILES += $(call admfiles,CSWmuninnode, prototype)
 DISTFILES += cswusergroup
-DISTFILES += apache.conf-sample
+DISTFILES += apache-munin.conf.CSW apache-munin-cgi.conf.CSW
 PATCHFILES += makefile.diff
 PATCHFILES += makefile.config.diff 
+PATCHFILES += # use monospace instead of VeraMono.ttf
 # We define upstream file regex so we can be notifed of new upstream software 
 UFILES_REGEX = -(\d+(?:\.\d+)*).tar.gz
@@ -64,13 +67,17 @@
        #mv $(DESTDIR)/opt/csw/lib/plugins $(DESTDIR)/opt/csw/lib/munin_plugins
        mv $(DESTDIR)/etc/opt/csw/munin/munin-node.conf 
        mv $(DESTDIR)/etc/opt/csw/munin/munin.conf 
+       @ginstall -d $(DESTDIR)/opt/csw/munin
+       @ginstall -d $(DESTDIR)/etc/opt/csw/munin/apache
+       @ginstall -m 644 $(FILEDIR)/apache-munin.conf.CSW 
+       @ginstall -m 644 $(FILEDIR)/apache-munin-cgi.conf.CSW 
        @ginstall -d $(DESTDIR)/opt/csw/etc/pkg/CSWmuninmaster
        @ginstall -d $(DESTDIR)/opt/csw/etc/pkg/CSWmuninnode
        @ginstall -d $(DESTDIR)/opt/csw/share/doc
        @ginstall -d $(DESTDIR)/opt/csw/share/doc/munin_master
+       @ginstall -m 644 $(FILEDIR)/README.CSW 
        @ginstall -m 644 $(FILEDIR)/cswusergroup 
        @ginstall -m 644 $(FILEDIR)/cswusergroup 
-       @ginstall -m 644 $(FILEDIR)/apache.conf-sample 
        @ginstall -d $(DESTDIR)/etc/opt/csw/init.d
        @ginstall -m 755 $(FILEDIR)/cswmuninnode 

Modified: csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/checksums
--- csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/checksums  2009-07-16 15:33:32 UTC (rev 5588)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/checksums  2009-07-16 15:46:28 UTC (rev 5589)
@@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
 7e6d51878164293b723270d9b0e86348  download/CSWmuninmaster.gspec
 39296b9aff25a2518394811796ef7ae6  download/CSWmuninmaster.postinstall
-02fd772bbd2d52b0931b11de59974d49  download/CSWmuninmaster.prototype
+97bf045a27686c42bd43652b3f51c145  download/CSWmuninmaster.prototype
 d6014841b8b2167308026bfe48782fb5  download/CSWmuninnode.gspec
-0265625b33fc397d7c0cba98164662fb  download/CSWmuninnode.prototype
-8ebfcd5de8ca86733a047baeae1a18ec  download/apache.conf-sample
+f00264948abdcca30f322e4d819c8762  download/CSWmuninnode.prototype
+64f678ff319a0c51520463536b86dd31  download/README.CSW
+59409f4b412953283c3df4546fd4886c  download/apache-munin-cgi.conf.CSW
+e701d132ba0b6f3dcc90190860f5aa6b  download/apache-munin.conf.CSW
 50fa4a545f878d79e219891c6ac8d2d2  download/cswusergroup
-7f078286bd7be367a4cfe32d0a4b8348  download/makefile.config.diff
+4eb0923e09f12335da8249ab7923e250  download/makefile.config.diff
 3ea1ba00633ac52c3a25306c3c9c52e0  download/makefile.diff
+f44022c818a112b1121d10e1112e107e  download/
 ce97aa8e741383039fb365d1a322f3e7  download/
+4688659429fbebf8cafcc8eb8a1ee870  download/
 737e3e3d2f68015dfb4e857909cde7da  download/
 e3a58e582407981d4f5c5aed59cbfc47  download/munin_1.3.4.tar.gz
 43db53191eaae75be35b3548a993c31e  download/

Modified: csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/CSWmuninmaster.prototype
--- csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/CSWmuninmaster.prototype     2009-07-16 
15:33:32 UTC (rev 5588)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/CSWmuninmaster.prototype     2009-07-16 
15:46:28 UTC (rev 5589)
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
-d none /etc/opt/csw/munin 0755 root bin
+d none /etc/opt/csw/munin 0755 munin munin
+d none /etc/opt/csw/munin/apache 0755 munin munin
 f cswpreserveconf /etc/opt/csw/munin/munin.conf.CSW 0644 munin munin
 f none /opt/csw/bin/munin-check 0755 root bin
 f none /opt/csw/bin/munin-cron 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/VeraMono.ttf 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/munin-graph 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/munin-html 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/munin-limits 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/munin-update 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/VeraMono.ttf 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/munin-graph 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/munin-html 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/munin-limits 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/munin-update 0755 root bin
 d ugfiles /etc/opt/csw/munin/templates 0755 munin munin
 f none /etc/opt/csw/munin/templates/definitions.html 0644 root bin
 f none /etc/opt/csw/munin/templates/logo.png 0644 root bin
@@ -21,7 +22,9 @@
 f none /etc/opt/csw/munin/templates/style.css 0644 root bin
 d none /opt/csw/share/doc/munin_master 0755 root bin
 f none /opt/csw/share/doc/munin_master/license 0644 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/share/doc/munin_master/apache.conf-sample 0644 root bin
+f cswpreserveconf /etc/opt/csw/munin/apache/apache-munin.conf.CSW 0644 root bin
+f cswpreserveconf /etc/opt/csw/munin/apache/apache-munin-cgi.conf.CSW 0644 
root bin
+f none /opt/csw/share/doc/munin_master/README.CSW 0644 root bin
 d none /opt/csw/share/man/man1 0755 root bin
 d none /opt/csw/share/man/man5 0755 root bin
 f none /opt/csw/share/man/man5/munin.conf.5 0644 root bin

Modified: csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/CSWmuninnode.prototype
--- csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/CSWmuninnode.prototype       2009-07-16 
15:33:32 UTC (rev 5588)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/CSWmuninnode.prototype       2009-07-16 
15:46:28 UTC (rev 5589)
@@ -1,145 +1,145 @@
-d none /etc/opt/csw/munin 0755 root bin
+d none /etc/opt/csw/munin 0755 munin munin
 f cswpreserveconf /etc/opt/csw/munin/munin-node.conf.CSW 0644 munin munin
-d none /etc/opt/csw/munin/plugin-conf.d 0755 root bin
-d none /etc/opt/csw/munin/plugins 0755 root bin
+d none /etc/opt/csw/munin/plugin-conf.d 0755 munin munin
+d none /etc/opt/csw/munin/plugins 0755 munin munin
 f none /opt/csw/bin/munindoc 0755 root bin
-d none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/amavis 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/apache_accesses 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/apache_processes 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/apache_volume 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/apc_envunit_ 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/apc_nis 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/bind9 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/bind9_rndc 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/cmc_tc_sensor_ 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/colour_tester 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/courier_ 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/courier_mta_mailqueue 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/courier_mta_mailstats 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/courier_mta_mailvolume 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/cpu 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/cupsys_pages 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/df 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/df_inode 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/dhcpd3 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/digitemp_ 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/exim_mailqueue 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/exim_mailqueue_alt 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/exim_mailstats 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/foldingathome 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/foldingathome_rank 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/foldingathome_wu 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/hddtemp 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/hddtemp2 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/hddtemp_smartctl 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/hddtempd 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/http_loadtime 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/if_ 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/if_errcoll_ 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/ifx_concurrent_sessions_ 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/io_busy_ 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/io_bytes_ 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/io_ops_ 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/ipac-ng 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/ircu 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/load 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/loggrep 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/lpstat 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/mailman 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/mailscanner 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/mbmon_ 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/memory 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/mhttping 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/multiping 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/multips 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/munin_stats 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/mysql_bytes 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/mysql_isam_space_ 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/mysql_queries 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/mysql_slowqueries 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/mysql_threads 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/named 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/netopia 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/netstat 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/ntp_ 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/ntp_kernel_err 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/ntp_kernel_pll_freq 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/ntp_kernel_pll_off 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/ntp_offset 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/ntp_states 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/nut_misc 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/nut_volts 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/nutups_ 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/nvidia_ 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/paging_in 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/paging_out 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/perdition 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/ping_ 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/ 0644 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/plugins.history 0644 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/pm3users_ 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/pop_stats 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/postfix_mailqueue 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/postfix_mailstats 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/postfix_mailvolume 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/postgres_block_read_ 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/postgres_commits 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/postgres_commits_ 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/postgres_connections 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/postgres_locks 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/postgres_queries 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/postgres_queries_ 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/postgres_space_ 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/processes 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/ps_ 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/psu_ 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/qmailscan 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/qmailscan-simple 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/samba 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/sendmail_mailqueue 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/sendmail_mailstats 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/sendmail_mailtraffic 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/smart_ 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/snmp__cpuload 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/snmp__df 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/snmp__fc_if_ 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/snmp__fc_if_err_ 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/snmp__if_ 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/snmp__if_err_ 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/snmp__load 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/snmp__memory 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/snmp__netstat 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/snmp__processes 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/snmp__rdp_users 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/snmp__sensors_fsc_bx_fan 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/snmp__sensors_fsc_bx_temp 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/snmp__sensors_fsc_fan 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/snmp__sensors_fsc_temp 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/snmp__sensors_mbm_fan 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/snmp__sensors_mbm_temp 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/snmp__sensors_mbm_volt 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/snmp__swap 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/snmp__uptime 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/snmp__users 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/snmp__winload 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/snmp__winmem 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/spamstats 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/squid_cache 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/squid_icp 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/squid_objectsize 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/squid_requests 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/squid_traffic 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/surfboard 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/sybase_space 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/temperature 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/tomcat_access 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/tomcat_jvm 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/tomcat_threads 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/tomcat_volume 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/uptime 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/users 0755 root bin
-f none /opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/vmstat 0755 root bin
+d none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/amavis 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/apache_accesses 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/apache_processes 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/apache_volume 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/apc_envunit_ 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/apc_nis 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/bind9 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/bind9_rndc 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/cmc_tc_sensor_ 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/colour_tester 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/courier_ 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/courier_mta_mailqueue 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/courier_mta_mailstats 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/courier_mta_mailvolume 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/cpu 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/cupsys_pages 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/df 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/df_inode 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/dhcpd3 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/digitemp_ 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/exim_mailqueue 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/exim_mailqueue_alt 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/exim_mailstats 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/foldingathome 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/foldingathome_rank 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/foldingathome_wu 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/hddtemp 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/hddtemp2 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/hddtemp_smartctl 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/hddtempd 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/http_loadtime 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/if_ 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/if_errcoll_ 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/ifx_concurrent_sessions_ 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/io_busy_ 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/io_bytes_ 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/io_ops_ 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/ipac-ng 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/ircu 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/load 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/loggrep 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/lpstat 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/mailman 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/mailscanner 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/mbmon_ 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/memory 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/mhttping 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/multiping 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/multips 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/munin_stats 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/mysql_bytes 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/mysql_isam_space_ 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/mysql_queries 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/mysql_slowqueries 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/mysql_threads 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/named 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/netopia 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/netstat 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/ntp_ 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/ntp_kernel_err 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/ntp_kernel_pll_freq 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/ntp_kernel_pll_off 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/ntp_offset 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/ntp_states 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/nut_misc 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/nut_volts 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/nutups_ 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/nvidia_ 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/paging_in 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/paging_out 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/perdition 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/ping_ 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/ 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/plugins.history 0644 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/pm3users_ 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/pop_stats 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/postfix_mailqueue 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/postfix_mailstats 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/postfix_mailvolume 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/postgres_block_read_ 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/postgres_commits 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/postgres_commits_ 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/postgres_connections 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/postgres_locks 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/postgres_queries 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/postgres_queries_ 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/postgres_space_ 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/processes 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/ps_ 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/psu_ 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/qmailscan 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/qmailscan-simple 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/samba 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/sendmail_mailqueue 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/sendmail_mailstats 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/sendmail_mailtraffic 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/smart_ 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/snmp__cpuload 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/snmp__df 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/snmp__fc_if_ 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/snmp__fc_if_err_ 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/snmp__if_ 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/snmp__if_err_ 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/snmp__load 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/snmp__memory 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/snmp__netstat 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/snmp__processes 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/snmp__rdp_users 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/snmp__sensors_fsc_bx_fan 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/snmp__sensors_fsc_bx_temp 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/snmp__sensors_fsc_fan 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/snmp__sensors_fsc_temp 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/snmp__sensors_mbm_fan 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/snmp__sensors_mbm_temp 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/snmp__sensors_mbm_volt 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/snmp__swap 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/snmp__uptime 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/snmp__users 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/snmp__winload 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/snmp__winmem 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/spamstats 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/squid_cache 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/squid_icp 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/squid_objectsize 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/squid_requests 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/squid_traffic 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/surfboard 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/sybase_space 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/temperature 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/tomcat_access 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/tomcat_jvm 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/tomcat_threads 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/tomcat_volume 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/uptime 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/users 0755 root bin
+f none /opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/vmstat 0755 root bin
 f none /opt/csw/sbin/munin-node 0755 root bin
 f none /opt/csw/sbin/munin-node-configure 0755 root bin
 f none /opt/csw/sbin/munin-node-configure-snmp 0755 root bin
@@ -160,10 +160,10 @@
 d none /opt/csw/share/perl/site_perl/Munin/Plugin 0755 root bin
 f none /opt/csw/share/perl/site_perl/Munin/ 0644 root bin
 d none /var/opt/csw/munin 0755 root bin
-s none /etc/opt/csw/munin/plugins/load=/opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/load
-s none /etc/opt/csw/munin/plugins/uptime=/opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/uptime
-s none /etc/opt/csw/munin/plugins/cpu=/opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/cpu
-s none /etc/opt/csw/munin/plugins/df=/opt/csw/lib/munin/plugins/df
+s none /etc/opt/csw/munin/plugins/load=/opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/load
+s none /etc/opt/csw/munin/plugins/uptime=/opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/uptime
+s none /etc/opt/csw/munin/plugins/cpu=/opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/cpu
+s none /etc/opt/csw/munin/plugins/df=/opt/csw/libexec/munin/plugins/df
 d ugfiles /var/opt/csw/munin/log 0755 munin munin
 d ugfiles /var/opt/csw/munin/run 0755 munin munin
 d ugfiles /var/opt/csw/munin/db 0755 munin munin

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/README.CSW
--- csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/README.CSW                           (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/README.CSW   2009-07-16 15:46:28 UTC (rev 
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+To configure the Apache webserver you only need to include the file
+/etc/opt/csw/munin/apache/apache-munin.conf into your Apache main
+Include /etc/opt/csw/munin/apache/apache-munin.conf
+If you want CGI support for Munin, include the file apache-munin-cgi.conf:
+Include /etc/opt/csw/munin/apache/apache-munin-cgi.conf

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/apache-munin-cgi.conf.CSW
--- csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/apache-munin-cgi.conf.CSW                    
        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/apache-munin-cgi.conf.CSW    2009-07-16 
15:46:28 UTC (rev 5589)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Apache configuration to support munin-cgi-graph
+# In addition, the Munin log files and html area should be writable
+# to the web server. Therefor add the apache user to the munin group.
+# Documentation for this is in
+ScriptAlias /munin/dyn/ /var/opt/csw/munin/www/cgi/
+<Directory /var/opt/csw/munin/www/cgi>
+       AllowOverride None
+       Options ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
+       Order allow,deny
+       Allow from all

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/apache-munin.conf.CSW
--- csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/apache-munin.conf.CSW                        
        (rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/apache-munin.conf.CSW        2009-07-16 
15:46:28 UTC (rev 5589)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Apache configurations for accessing munin 
+Alias /munin/ "/var/opt/csw/munin/www/"
+<Directory "/var/opt/csw/munin/www/">
+       Options None
+       AllowOverride None
+       Order allow,deny
+       Allow from all

Deleted: csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/apache.conf-sample
--- csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/apache.conf-sample   2009-07-16 15:33:32 UTC 
(rev 5588)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/apache.conf-sample   2009-07-16 15:46:28 UTC 
(rev 5589)
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# Apache configurations for accessing munin 
-Alias /munin/ "/var/opt/csw/munin/www/"
-<Directory "/var/opt/csw/munin/www/">
-       Options None
-       AllowOverride None
-       Order allow,deny
-       Allow from all
-# Apache configuration to support munin-cgi-graph
-# In addition, the Munin log files and html area should be writable
-# to the web server. Therefor add the apache user to the munin group.
-# Documentation for this is in
-ScriptAlias /munin/dyn/ /var/opt/csw/munin/www/cgi/
-<Directory /var/opt/csw/munin/www/cgi>
-       AllowOverride None
-       Options ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
-       Order allow,deny
-       Allow from all

Modified: csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/makefile.config.diff
--- csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/makefile.config.diff 2009-07-16 15:33:32 UTC 
(rev 5588)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/makefile.config.diff 2009-07-16 15:46:28 UTC 
(rev 5589)
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
  # Where to put internal binaries and plugin repository
 -LIBDIR     = $(PREFIX)/lib
-+LIBDIR     = $(PREFIX)/lib/munin
++LIBDIR     = $(PREFIX)/libexec/munin
  # Server only - Output directory
 -HTMLDIR    = $(PREFIX)/var/www

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/
--- csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/                          
(rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/  2009-07-16 15:46:28 UTC 
(rev 5589)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+diff --speed-large-files --minimal -Nru munin-1.3.4.orig/server/ 
+--- munin-1.3.4.orig/server/     2008-03-08 02:42:40.000000000 
++++ munin-1.3.4/server/  2009-07-07 10:51:42.606467982 +0200
+@@ -827,7 +827,7 @@
+       my @complete = ();
+       if ($RRDkludge) {
+           push (@complete,
+-                '--font' ,'LEGEND:7:@@LIBDIR@@/VeraMono.ttf',
++                '--font' ,'LEGEND:7:@@LIBDIR@@/monospace',
+                 '--font' ,'UNIT:7:@@LIBDIR@@/VeraMono.ttf',
+                 '--font' ,'AXIS:7:@@LIBDIR@@/VeraMono.ttf');
+       }

Added: csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/
--- csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/                         
(rev 0)
+++ csw/mgar/pkg/munin/trunk/files/ 2009-07-16 15:46:28 UTC 
(rev 5589)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+diff --speed-large-files --minimal -Nru 
munin-1.3.4.orig/server/ munin-1.3.4/server/
+--- munin-1.3.4.orig/server/    2008-03-08 02:42:40.000000000 
++++ munin-1.3.4/server/ 2009-07-07 22:15:31.832187072 +0200
+@@ -931,7 +931,7 @@
+     eval {
+       local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "Could not run list on $name 
($fetchdomain): $!\n"};
+       alarm 5; # Should be enough to check the list
+-      write_socket_single ($socket, "list $fetchdomain\n");
++      write_socket_single ($socket, "list $name\n");
+       my $list = read_socket_single ($socket);
+       exit 1 unless defined $list;
+       chomp $list;

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