Excerpts from Dagobert Michelsen's message of Fri Dec 19 01:13:19 -0500 2008:

Hi Dago,

> Äh, you set DISTFILES to CSWgitsvn and then ovewrite it
> (missing +=?)

That is kind of silly isn't it! :)  I was rearranging lines thinking
that something to do with the ordering of the gspec files in the list
was breaking my PKGFILES_ regex globs below (eg: picking their files
in the wrong order).  I later discovered that I simply wasn't
squishing the old prototype files...this likely explains why I didn't
notice this breakage too! :)

As always, thanks!

Ben Walton
Systems Programmer - CHASS
University of Toronto
C:416.407.5610 | W:416.978.4302

GPG Key Id: 8E89F6D2; Key Server: pgp.mit.edu
Contact me to arrange for a CAcert assurance meeting.

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