Revision: 2437 Author: dmichelsen Date: 2008-12-02 17:10:12 +0000 (Tue, 02 Dec 2008)
Log Message: ----------- libtool: Move to mGAR v2, pull in from private branch Modified Paths: -------------- csw/mgar/pkg/libtool/trunk/Makefile Added Paths: ----------- csw/mgar/pkg/libtool/trunk/ Property changes on: csw/mgar/pkg/libtool/trunk ___________________________________________________________________ Added: svn:ignore + cookies download work Added: svn:externals + gar Modified: csw/mgar/pkg/libtool/trunk/Makefile =================================================================== --- csw/branches/dam/automatic-multiarch-compile/devel/libtool/Makefile 2008-10-28 16:25:47 UTC (rev 2195) +++ csw/mgar/pkg/libtool/trunk/Makefile 2008-12-02 17:10:12 UTC (rev 2437) @@ -19,6 +19,9 @@ DISTFILES += $(call admfiles,CSWlibtoolrt) #NOEXTRACT = $(filter-out $(GARNAME)-$(GARVERSION).tar.gz, $(SOURCEFILES)) +# We define upstream file regex so we can be notifed of new upstream software release +UFILES_REGEX = $(GARNAME)-(\d+(?:\.\d+)*).tar.gz + CONFIGURE_ARGS = $(DIRPATHS) BUILD64 = 1 @@ -47,7 +50,7 @@ # Move runtime stuff to CSWlibtoolrt and put the rest in CSWlibtool PKGFILES_CSWlibtoolrt_EXCLUSIVE = $(PKGFILES_RT) -include ../ +include gar/ #pre-package: # @(for VERSION in $(OLD_VERSIONS); do gmake GARVERSION=$$VERSION install; done) This was sent by the collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site. _______________________________________________ devel mailing list