Dne 15.3.2016 v 10:24 Richard Hughes napsal(a):
> On 15 March 2016 at 09:17, Vít Ondruch <vondr...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>> I'm somewhat confused where the problem is.
>> This is the problem:
>> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/devel@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/CI57RU5TGQZFGVTUJKM6S6WU2NU4VION/
> This isn't anything to do with the gnome-shell version being different
> to the other components.
>> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/devel@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/I47GW5IGT55JIOIGYJOSXFDT5WTBBA2L/
> That wouldn't have been prevented using a side-tag either. Bugs happen
> in development software, holding the push for an extra week wouldn't
> have magically fixed that bug.
>> IOW you are keep changing API/ABI without proper .so name bumps and at
>> the same time, you refuse to use side tag (which would limit the impact)
>> for Rawhide builds.
> Okay, so the obvious solution is "don't put ABI-unstable development
> GNOME packages into rawhide". We'd then be using a xdg-app enhanced
> atomic image for all development, and then rawhide would rot.
> Richard

My assumption is, that whatever you put into Rawhide, the components are
compatible, e.g. you release gnome 3.19.91, you tested all the
components together and they work together.

So lets say I am using Gnome 3.19.90. The 3.19.91 is released and you
start build, which takes some time (12h? 24h? 2 days? Have no idea). In
the middle of the build, the compose is done and it is pushed to the
repositories. Now I do update of my computer and I get half of the
packages of 3.19.91 but the second half is still at 3.19.90. They were
never tested together and never expected to work together. There is
probably hidden some ABI breakage. While the build continues and there
are eventually build all 3.19.91 packages and everything will get into
order, there is certainly substantial time during Gnome update when
Rawhide is possibly broken (unfortunately this happened during every
Gnome update in recent months).

To minimize impact of the possible ABI incompatibilities, I can see
several solutions:

1) Minimalist solution is to announce that you are building new version
of Gnome and breakage can be expected. I would happily wait for the
announcement of rebuild done to be sure that I get the whole Gnome
update at once.
2) Use side tag for Rawhide builds
3) Specify more precisely the dependencies between Gnome project, e.g.
gnome-terminal-3.19.91-1.fc25.x86_64 has to work only with
vte291-0.43.91-1.fc25.x86_64 and nothing else, because this is how they
were tested

I hope you can make your choice, where the (2) is my favorite of course.


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