Hi, I'm orphaning most of my packages. Feel free to take any you like. Some are really simple and low-maintanance. Others need more love.
Seven of them are in C: geekcode -- Geek Code generator ( master f24 f23 f22 ) jj -- A FIFO and file-system based Jabber/XMPP client ( master f24 f23 f22 ) jumanji -- A highly customizable, minimalist WebKit web browser ( master f24 f23 f22 ) libexif -- Library for extracting extra information from image files ( master f24 f23 f22 ) nc6 -- Netcat with IPv6 Support ( master f24 f23 f22 ) rogue -- The original graphical adventure game ( master f24 f23 f22 ) snotes -- A flexible and easy to use notes system ( master f24 f23 f22 ) And the remaining 353 in Perl: perl-Affix-Infix2Postfix -- Perl extension for converting from infix notation to postfix notation ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-Algorithm-Annotate -- Represent a series of changes in annotate form ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-Algorithm-IncludeExclude -- Build and evaluate include/exclude lists ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Algorithm-Merge -- Three-way merge and diff ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-AnyEvent-XMPP -- Implementation of the XMPP Protocol ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Apache-LogRegex -- Parse a line from an Apache logfile into a hash ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-App-CLI -- Dispatcher module for command line interface programs ( el6 el5 ) perl-App-Daemon -- Start an Application as a Daemon ( el5 ) perl-App-Nopaste -- Easy access to any pastebin ( epel7 ) perl-Archive-Extract -- Generic archive extracting mechanism ( el5 ) perl-B-Compiling -- Expose PL_compiling to perl ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-B-Generate -- Create your own op trees ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-B-Hooks-OP-Check -- Wrap OP check callbacks ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-B-Hooks-OP-Check-EntersubForCV -- Invoke callbacks on construction of entersub OPs for certain CVs ( f22 ) perl-Bencode -- BitTorrent serialization format ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Best -- Fallbackable module loader ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Bot-BasicBot -- Simple irc bot baseclass ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Browser-Open -- Open a browser in a given URL ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Captcha-reCAPTCHA -- Perl implementation of the reCAPTCHA API ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Carp-Clan-Share -- Share your Carp::Clan settings with your whole Clan ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Carp-REPL -- Read-eval-print-loop on die and/or warn ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Catalyst-Action-RenderView -- Sensible default end action for view rendering ( el6 ) perl-Catalyst-Devel -- Catalyst Development Tools ( el6 ) perl-Catalyst-Model-DBIC-Schema -- DBIx::Class::Schema Model Class ( el6 ) perl-Catalyst-Plugin-ConfigLoader -- Load config files of various types ( el6 ) perl-Catalyst-Plugin-I18N -- I18N for Catalyst ( el6 ) perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session -- Catalyst generic session plugin ( el6 ) perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-State-Cookie -- Maintain session IDs using cookies ( el6 ) perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-FastMmap -- FastMmap session storage backend ( el6 ) perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Static-Simple -- Make serving static pages painless ( el6 ) perl-Catalyst-Plugin-SubRequest -- Make subrequests to actions in Catalyst ( el6 ) perl-Catalyst-Runtime -- Catalyst Framework Runtime ( el6 ) perl-Catalyst-View-TT -- Template Toolkit View Class ( el6 ) perl-CatalystX-Component-Traits -- Automatic Trait Loading and Resolution for ( el6 ) perl-Chart -- Series of charting modules ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-Chatbot-Eliza -- Implementation of the Eliza algorithm ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Class-Accessor-Grouped -- Build groups of accessors ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 ) perl-Class-Autouse -- Run-time class loading on first method call ( el5 ) perl-Class-Base -- Useful base class for deriving other modules ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 ) perl-Class-C3-Adopt-NEXT -- Reduce one's dependency on NEXT ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 ) perl-Class-C3-Componentised -- Load mix-ins or components to your C3-based class ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 ) perl-Class-Container -- Class::Container Perl module ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-Class-DBI-Plugin-DeepAbstractSearch -- SQL::Abstract for Class::DBI ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 ) perl-Class-ErrorHandler -- Class::ErrorHandler Perl module ( master f24 f23 f22 epel7 el6 el5 ) perl-Class-MakeMethods -- Generate common types of methods ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 ) perl-Class-Mix -- Dynamic class mixing ( master f24 f23 f22 epel7 el6 ) perl-Color-Library -- Easy-to-use and comprehensive named-color library ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-Config-Extend-MySQL -- Extend your favorite .INI parser module to read MySQL configuration file ( el6 el5 ) perl-Config-IniHash -- Perl extension for reading and writing INI files ( el6 el5 ) perl-Config-Simple -- Simple configuration file class ( el6 el5 ) perl-Const-Fast -- Facility for creating read-only scalars, arrays, and hashes ( el6 ) perl-Context-Preserve -- Run code after a subroutine call, preserving context ( master f24 f23 f22 epel7 el6 ) perl-Convert-ASCII-Armour -- Convert binary octets into ASCII armoured messages ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-Convert-Bencode_XS -- Faster conversions to/from Bencode format ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Convert-NLS_DATE_FORMAT -- Convert Oracle NLS_DATE_FORMAT <-> strftime Format Strings ( master f24 f23 f22 epel7 el6 ) perl-Convert-PEM -- Read/write encrypted ASN.1 PEM files ( master f24 f23 f22 epel7 el6 el5 ) perl-Crypt-CAST5_PP -- CAST5 block cipher in pure Perl ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-Crypt-Eksblowfish -- Eksblowfish block cipher ( master f24 f23 f22 epel7 el6 ) perl-Crypt-Twofish -- Twofish Encryption Algorithm ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Danga-Socket -- Event loop and event-driven async socket base class ( master f24 f23 f22 el5 ) perl-Date-HolidayParser -- Parser for .holiday-files ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Date-JD -- Conversion between flavors of Julian Date ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Date-Pcalc -- Gregorian calendar date calculations ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-DateTime-Event-ICal -- Perl DateTime extension for computing rfc2445 recurrences ( master f24 f23 f22 epel7 el6 el5 ) perl-DateTime-Event-Recurrence -- DateTime::Set extension for create basic recurrence sets ( master f24 f23 f22 epel7 el6 el5 ) perl-DateTime-Format-DB2 -- Parse and format DB2 dates and times ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-DateTime-Format-DBI -- Find a parser class for a database connection ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-DateTime-Format-ICal -- Parse and format iCal datetime and duration strings ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-DateTime-Format-Natural -- Create machine readable date/time with natural parsing logic ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-DateTime-Format-Oracle -- Parse and format Oracle dates and timestamps ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 ) perl-DateTime-Format-Pg -- Parse and format PostgreSQL dates and times ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-DateTime-Format-SQLite -- Parse and format SQLite dates and times ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 ) perl-DateTime-Format-Strptime -- Parse and format strptime and strftime patterns ( master f24 f23 f22 epel7 el6 el5 ) perl-DateTime-Format-W3CDTF -- Parse and format W3CDTF datetime strings ( master f24 f23 f22 epel7 el5 ) perl-Debug-ShowStuff -- A collection of handy debugging routines ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Devel-BeginLift -- Make selected sub calls evaluate at compile time ( f22 ) perl-Devel-Caller -- Meatier versions of caller ( master f24 f23 f22 epel7 el6 el5 ) perl-Devel-FastProf -- Fast perl per-line profiler ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Devel-GoFaster -- Optimise executable Perl ops ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Devel-Leak -- Utility for looking for perl objects that are not reclaimed ( master f24 f23 f22 el5 ) perl-Devel-LeakGuard-Object -- Scoped checks for object leaks ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Devel-NYTProf -- Powerful feature-rich perl source code profiler ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Devel-PatchPerl -- Patch perl source a la Devel::PPPort's buildperl.pl ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-Devel-Pragma -- Helper functions for developers of lexical pragmas ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Devel-Profiler -- Perl profiler compatible with dprofpp ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-Devel-REPL -- Modern perl interactive shell ( master f24 f23 f22 epel7 ) perl-Devel-SmallProf -- Per-line Perl profiler ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Devel-StackTrace-WithLexicals -- Generate stack traces with lexical variables ( master f24 f23 f22 epel7 ) perl-Digest-Nilsimsa -- Perl interface to the Nilsima Algorithm ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Dir-Self -- A __DIR__ constant for the directory your source file is in ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Directory-Scratch -- Self-cleaning scratch space for tests ( master f24 f23 f22 epel7 ) perl-End -- Generalized END blocks ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Env-Path -- Advanced operations on path variables ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Expect-Simple -- Wrapper around the Expect module ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 ) perl-Exporter-Tidy -- Another way of exporting symbols ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-FCGI -- FastCGI Perl bindings ( el6 ) perl-File-BOM -- Utilities for handling Byte Order Marks ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-File-ChangeNotify -- Watch for changes to files, cross-platform style ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 ) perl-File-Fetch -- Generic file fetching mechanism ( el5 ) perl-File-Modified -- Checks intelligently if files have changed ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 ) perl-File-Path-Tiny -- Recursive versions of mkdir() and rmdir() without as much overhead as File::Path ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-File-Pid -- Pid File Manipulation ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-File-Read -- Unique interface for reading one or more files ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-File-ReadBackwards -- Read a file backwards by lines ( master f24 f23 f22 epel7 el6 el5 ) perl-File-RsyncP -- A perl implementation of an Rsync client ( master f24 f23 f22 epel7 el6 el5 ) perl-File-Share -- Extend File::ShareDir to local libraries ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-File-Slurper -- Simple, sane and efficient module to slurp a file ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-File-Sync -- Perl access to fsync() and sync() function calls ( master f24 f23 f22 epel7 el6 el5 ) perl-File-Type -- Determine file type using magic ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-File-Type-WebImages -- Determine web image file types using magic ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-File-pushd -- Change directory temporarily for a limited scope ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-Font-TTF -- Perl library for modifying TTF font files ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-GSSAPI -- Perl extension providing access to the GSSAPIv2 library ( master f24 f23 f22 el5 ) perl-Gearman -- Distributed job system ( el5 ) perl-Gearman-Client-Async -- Asynchronous Client for the Gearman distributed job system ( el5 ) perl-Gearman-Server -- Function call "router" and load balancer ( el5 ) perl-Geo-IP -- Efficient Perl bindings for the GeoIP location database ( el6 el5 ) perl-Git-CPAN-Patch -- Patch CPAN modules using Git ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Graph-Easy -- Convert or render graphs as ASCII, HTML, SVG or via Graphviz ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Graphics-ColorNames -- Defines RGB values for common color names ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-Gtk2-Spell -- Gtk2::Spell perl module ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-HTML-DOMbo -- Convert between XML::DOM and {XML/HTML}::Element trees ( el5 ) perl-HTML-Template-Pro -- Perl/XS module to use HTML Templates from CGI scripts ( el5 ) perl-HTML-Tiny -- Lightweight, dependency free HTML/XML generation ( el6 ) perl-HTML-TokeParser-Simple -- Easy to use HTML::TokeParser interface ( el6 el5 ) perl-HTTP-Request-AsCGI -- Setup a CGI environment from a HTTP::Request ( epel7 el6 ) perl-Ham-Reference-QRZ -- An object oriented front end for the QRZ.COM Amateur Radio call-sign database ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Hash-Case -- Base class for hashes with key-casing requirements ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-Hash-Flatten -- Flatten/unflatten complex data hashes ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Hash-WithDefaults -- Class for hashes with key-casing requirements supporting defaults ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-IPC-Filter -- Filter data through an external process ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-IPC-ShareLite -- Lightweight interface to shared memory ( master f24 f23 f22 epel7 el6 el5 ) perl-IPC-Shareable -- Share Perl variables between processes ( epel7 el5 ) perl-IRC-Utils -- Common utilities for IRC-related tasks ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Image-Math-Constrain -- Scaling math used in image size constraining (such as thumbnails) ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-Imager -- Perl extension for Generating 24 bit Images ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-Inline -- Inline Perl module ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Inline-C -- Write Perl subroutines in C ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Inline-Files -- Allows for multiple inline files in a single perl file ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Inline-Filters -- Common source code filters for Inline modules ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Inline-Module -- Support for Inline-based CPAN extension modules ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Inline-Struct -- Manipulate C structures directly from Perl ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-JSON-Any -- A meta-module to make working with JSON easier ( epel7 el6 ) perl-KinoSearch1 -- Search engine library ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Kwiki -- Kwiki Wiki Building Framework ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-Kwiki-Archive-Rcs -- Kwiki Page Archival Using RCS ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-Kwiki-Attachments -- Kwiki Page Attachments Plugin ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-Kwiki-Diff -- Display differences between the current wiki page and older revisions ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-Kwiki-ModPerl -- Enable Kwiki to work under mod_perl ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-Kwiki-NewPage -- Kwiki New Page Plugin ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-Kwiki-Raw -- Provide an action to retrieve the raw wikitext of a page ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-Kwiki-RecentChanges -- Kwiki Recent Changes Plugin ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-Kwiki-Revisions -- Kwiki Revisions Plugin ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-Kwiki-Search -- Kwiki Search Plugin ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-Kwiki-UserName -- Kwiki User Name Plugin ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-Kwiki-UserPreferences -- Kwiki User Preferences Plugin ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-Kwiki-Users-Remote -- Automatically set Kwiki user name from HTTP authentication ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-Lexical-Persistence -- Persistent lexical variable values for arbitrary calls ( master f24 f23 f22 epel7 ) perl-License-Syntax -- Coding and decoding of license strings using SPDX and SUSE syntax ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Lingua-EN-FindNumber -- Locate (written) numbers in English text ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Lingua-EN-Inflect-Phrase -- Inflect short English Phrases ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Lingua-EN-Number-IsOrdinal -- Detect if English number is ordinal or cardinal ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Lingua-EN-Numbers-Easy -- Hash access to Lingua::EN::Numbers objects ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Lingua-EN-Numbers-Ordinate -- Perl functions for giving the ordinal form of a number given its cardinal value ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Lingua-EN-Tagger -- Part-of-speech tagger for English natural language processing ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Lingua-EN-Words2Nums -- Convert English text to numbers ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Lingua-Flags -- Provide small flag icons ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Lingua-KO-Hangul-Util -- Utility functions for Hangul in Unicode ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Lingua-PT-Stemmer -- Portuguese language stemming ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Lingua-Stem -- Stemming of words ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Lingua-Stem-Fr -- Perl French Stemming ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Lingua-Stem-It -- Porter's stemming algorithm for Italian ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Lingua-Stem-Ru -- Porter's stemming algorithm for Russian (KOI8-R only) ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Lingua-Stem-Snowball -- Perl interface to Snowball stemmers ( master f24 f23 f22 epel7 el6 el5 ) perl-Lingua-Stem-Snowball-Da -- Porter's stemming algorithm for Danish ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Lingua-StopWords -- Stop words for several languages ( master f24 f23 f22 epel7 el6 el5 ) perl-Linux-Inotify2 -- Scalable directory/file change notification ( master f24 f23 f22 epel7 el6 ) perl-List-Compare -- Compare elements of two or more lists ( master f24 f23 f22 epel7 el6 ) perl-List-Pairwise -- Map/grep arrays and hashes pairwise ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Locale-PO -- Perl module for manipulating .po entries from GNU gettext ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-Log-Any-IfLOG -- Load Log::Any only if "logging is enabled" ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Log-Dispatch-Array -- Log events to an array (reference) ( master f24 f23 f22 epel7 el6 ) perl-Log-Dispatchouli -- Simple wrapper around Log::Dispatch ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Log-Log4perl -- Log4j implementation for Perl ( el5 ) perl-Log-Message -- Generic message storing mechanism ( el5 ) perl-Log-Message-Simple -- Simplified interface to Log::Message ( el5 ) perl-Log-Trace -- A unified approach to tracing ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-MCE -- Many-core Engine for Perl providing parallel processing capabilities ( master f24 f23 f22 epel7 el6 ) perl-MP3-Info -- Manipulate / fetch info from MP3 audio files ( master f24 f23 f22 el5 ) perl-Makefile-DOM -- Simple DOM parser for Makefiles ( master f24 f23 f22 el5 ) perl-MasonX-Interp-WithCallbacks -- Mason callback support via Params::CallbackRequest ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-Math-Base-Convert -- Very fast base to base conversion ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Math-Base36 -- Encoding and decoding of base36 strings ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 ) perl-Math-Base85 -- Perl extension for base 85 numbers, as referenced by RFC 1924 ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-MemHandle -- Supply memory-based FILEHANDLE methods ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Memoize-ExpireLRU -- Expiry plug-in for Memoize that adds LRU cache expiration ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Menlo -- A CPAN client ( master f24 f23 ) perl-Method-Signatures -- Method and function declarations with signatures and no source filter ( f22 ) perl-Method-Signatures-Simple -- Basic method declarations with signatures, without source filters ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Mixin-ExtraFields -- Add extra stashes of data to your objects ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-MogileFS-Client -- Client library for the MogileFS distributed file system ( el5 ) perl-MogileFS-Utils -- Utilities for MogileFS ( el5 ) perl-Monitoring-Plugin -- Family of modules to streamline writing plugins for various monitoring systems ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-MooseX-ConfigFromFile -- An abstract Moose role for setting attributes from a configfile ( epel7 ) perl-MooseX-Emulate-Class-Accessor-Fast -- Emulate Class::Accessor::Fast behavior using Moose attributes ( el6 ) perl-MooseX-Method-Signatures -- Method declarations with type constraints and no source filter ( epel7 ) perl-MooseX-MethodAttributes -- Introspect your method code attributes ( el6 ) perl-MooseX-Object-Pluggable -- Make your Moose classes pluggable ( epel7 ) perl-MooseX-Params-Validate -- Extension of Params::Validate using Moose's types ( el6 ) perl-MooseX-SemiAffordanceAccessor -- Name your accessors foo() and set_foo() ( el6 ) perl-MooseX-Traits-Pluggable -- A pluggable extension to MooseX::Traits ( el6 ) perl-MooseX-Types-Common -- A library of commonly used type constraints ( el6 ) perl-MooseX-Types-DateTime -- DateTime related constraints and coercions for Moose ( epel7 ) perl-MooseX-Types-JSON -- JSON data types for Moose ( el6 ) perl-MooseX-Types-Structured -- Structured Type Constraints for Moose ( epel7 ) perl-Nagios-Plugin -- Family of perl modules to streamline writing Nagios plugins ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Net-Amazon -- Framework for accessing amazon.com via REST ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Net-CUPS -- Perl bindings to the CUPS C API Interface ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Net-DBus -- Use and provide DBus services ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 ) perl-Net-DBus-GLib -- Perl extension for the DBus GLib bindings ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Net-DNS-Resolver-Programmable -- Programmable DNS resolver class for offline emulation of DNS ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-Net-FTPServer -- Secure, extensible and configurable Perl FTP server ( master f24 f23 f22 epel7 el6 el5 ) perl-Net-IRC -- Perl interface to the Internet Relay Chat protocol ( master f24 f23 f22 el5 ) perl-Net-Jabber -- Net::Jabber - Jabber Perl Library ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Net-NBName -- NetBIOS Name Service Requests ( el5 ) perl-Net-Netmask -- Perl module for manipulation and lookup of IP network blocks ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Net-Pcap -- Interface to pcap(3) LBL packet capture library ( master f24 f23 f22 el5 ) perl-Net-XMPP -- Net::XMPP - perl XMPP library ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Nmap-Parser -- Parse nmap scan data with perl ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-Number-Format -- Perl extension for formatting numbers ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-Number-Fraction -- Perl extension to model fractions ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Number-Misc -- Handy utilities for numbers ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-ORLite-Mirror -- Extend ORLite to support remote SQLite databases ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-ORLite-Statistics -- Statistics enhancement package for ORLite ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Object-Accessor -- Interface to create per object accessors ( el6 el5 ) perl-Object-Signature -- Cryptographically strong objects ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 ) perl-OpenFrame -- Framework for network enabled applications ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-Ouch -- Exceptions that don't hurt ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-PAR -- Perl Archive Toolkit ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-PAR-Dist -- Toolkit for creating and manipulating Perl PAR distributions ( master f24 f23 f22 el5 ) perl-PAR-Packer -- PAR Packager ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-POE -- POE - portable multitasking and networking framework for Perl ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-POE-API-Peek -- Peek into the internals of a running POE environment ( f22 ) perl-POE-Component-Child -- Child management component for POE ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-POE-Component-Client-DNS -- Non-blocking/concurrent DNS queries using Net::DNS and POE ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-POE-Component-Client-HTTP -- A non-blocking/parallel web requests engine for POE ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-POE-Component-Client-Ident -- A component that provides non-blocking Ident lookups to your sessions ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-POE-Component-Client-Keepalive -- Manages and keeps alive client connections ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-POE-Component-Client-LDAP -- Async LDAP access for POE ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-POE-Component-DBIAgent -- POE Component for running asynchronous DBI calls ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-POE-Component-IRC -- A POE component for building IRC clients ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-POE-Component-JobQueue -- Process a large number of tasks with a finite number of workers ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-POE-Component-Logger -- A POE logging class ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-POE-Component-Pluggable -- A base class for creating plugin-enabled POE components ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-POE-Component-Resolver -- Non-blocking getaddrinfo() resolver ( master f24 f23 f22 epel7 ) perl-POE-Component-SNMP -- POE interface to Net::SNMP ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-POE-Component-SSLify -- Makes using SSL in the world of POE easy! ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-POE-Component-Server-HTTP -- Foundation of a POE HTTP Daemon ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-POE-Component-Server-SOAP -- Publish POE event handlers via SOAP over HTTP ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-POE-Component-Server-SimpleHTTP -- Serve HTTP requests in POE ( master f24 f23 f22 epel7 ) perl-POE-Component-Server-XMLRPC -- Publish POE event handlers via XMLRPC over HTTP ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-POE-Component-SimpleDBI -- Asynchronous non-blocking DBI calls in POE made simple ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-POE-Component-SimpleLog -- A simple logging system for POE ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-POE-Component-Syndicator -- POE component base class which implements the Observer pattern ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-POE-Filter-IRCD -- A POE-based parser for the IRC protocol ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-POE-Filter-Zlib -- POE filter wrapped around Compress::Zlib ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-POE-Test-Loops -- Reusable tests for POE::Loop authors ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-POE-Wheel-Null -- POE Wheel that does puts data nowhere, and sends nothing ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-POE-XS-Queue-Array -- XS implementation of POE::Queue::Array ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Package-Pkg -- Handy package munging utilities ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Package-Variant -- Parameterizable packages ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Parallel-Iterator -- Simple parallel execution ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Params-CallbackRequest -- Functional and object-oriented callback architecture ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-Parse-CPAN-Packages -- Parse 02packages.details.txt.gz ( master f24 f23 f22 epel7 el6 el5 ) perl-Parse-Method-Signatures -- Perl6 like method signature parser ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Perl-PrereqScanner -- Tool to scan your Perl code for its prerequisites ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Perl-Stripper -- Yet another PPI-based Perl source code stripper ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Perl-Tags -- Generate Ctags style tags for Perl sourcecode ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Perl-Version -- Parse and manipulate Perl version strings ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Perl6-Bible -- Perl 6 Design Documentations ( el6 el5 ) perl-PerlIO-eol -- PerlIO layer for normalizing line endings ( el6 el5 ) perl-PerlIO-gzip -- Perl extension to provide a PerlIO layer to gzip/gunzip ( master f24 f23 f22 epel7 el6 el5 ) perl-PerlIO-via-symlink -- PerlIO layers for create symlinks ( el5 ) perl-Pipeline -- Generic pipeline interface ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-Pod-Elemental -- Work with nestable Pod elements ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Pugs-Compiler-Rule -- Compiler for Perl 6 regexes ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-Qt -- Perl bindings for Qt ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-SVN-Simple -- A simple interface for writing a delta editor ( el5 ) perl-Scalar-Util-LooksLikeNumber -- Access to looks_like_number() perl API function ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Scope-Upper -- Act on upper scopes ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Set-Infinite -- Sets of intervals ( master f24 f23 f22 epel7 el6 el5 ) perl-Snowball-Norwegian -- Porter's stemming algorithm for Norwegian ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Snowball-Swedish -- Porter's stemming algorithm for Swedish ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Sort-Key -- Fastest way to sort anything in Perl ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Sort-Naturally -- Sort lexically, but sort numeral parts numerically ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Spiffy -- Framework for doing object oriented (OO) programming in Perl ( master f24 f23 f22 epel7 el5 ) perl-Spoon -- Spiffy Application Building Framework ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-Statistics-Descriptive -- Perl module of basic descriptive statistical functions ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-String-CamelCase -- Convert underscore_text to CamelCase and back ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-String-Errf -- Simple sprintf-like dialect ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-String-Flogger -- String munging for loggers ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-String-Formatter -- Build sprintf-like functions of your own ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-String-RewritePrefix -- Rewrite strings based on a set of known prefixes ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 ) perl-String-ToIdentifier-EN -- Convert Strings to English Program Identifiers ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-String-Truncate -- Simply truncate long strings ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Sub-Exporter-GlobExporter -- Export shared globs with Sub::Exporter collectors ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Sub-Override -- Perl extension for easily overriding subroutines ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-Sys-Info-Base -- Provides various system information ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Sys-Syscall -- Access system calls that Perl doesn't normally provide access to ( master f24 f23 f22 el5 ) perl-Sys-Virt -- Represent and manage a libvirt hypervisor connection ( master f24 f23 f22 el5 ) perl-System-Command -- Object for running system commands ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Template-Plugin-Cycle -- Cyclically insert into a Template from a sequence of values ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Template-Plugin-JavaScript -- Encodes text to be safe in JavaScript ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Template-Provider-Encoding -- Explicitly declare encodings of your templates ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 ) perl-Template-Timer -- Template::Timer Perl module ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 ) perl-Term-Completion -- Read one line of user input, with convenience functions ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Term-ProgressBar -- Provide a progress meter on a standard terminal ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Term-Prompt -- Perl extension for prompting a user for information ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Term-ReadPassword -- Asking the user for a password ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-Term-Size -- Simple way to get terminal size ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Term-Size-Any -- Retrieve terminal size ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 ) perl-Term-Size-Perl -- Perl extension for retrieving terminal size (Perl version) ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 ) perl-Term-UI -- Term::ReadLine user interface made easy ( el6 el5 ) perl-Test-Aggregate -- Aggregate *.t tests to make them run faster ( f22 ) perl-Test-PostgreSQL -- PostgreSQL runner for Perl tests ( f22 ) perl-Test-Prereq -- Check if Makefile.PL has the right pre-requisites ( master f24 f23 f22 epel7 el5 ) perl-Test-WWW-Mechanize-Catalyst -- Test::WWW::Mechanize for Catalyst ( el6 ) perl-Text-CharWidth -- Get number of occupied columns of a string on terminal ( el5 ) perl-Text-WrapI18N -- Line wrapping with support for several locale setups ( el5 ) perl-Throwable -- Role for classes that can be thrown ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Tie-Handle-Offset -- Tied handle that hides the beginning of a file ( master f24 f23 ) perl-Tie-Sub -- Tying a subroutine, function or method to a hash ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Time-OlsonTZ-Download -- Olson timezone database from source ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Time-Progress -- Elapsed and estimated finish time reporting ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Time-Warp -- Control over the flow of time ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Tk-CursorControl -- Manipulate the mouse cursor programmatically ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Tk-ToolBar -- Toolbar widget for Perl/Tk ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-Tree-Simple-VisitorFactory -- Factory object for dispensing Visitor objects ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 ) perl-Tree-XPathEngine -- Re-usable XPath engine ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-TryCatch -- First class try catch semantics for Perl, without source filters ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-UDDI-Lite -- Library for UDDI clients in Perl ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-VMware-LabManager -- Perl module to provide basic VMware Lab Manager operations ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-WWW-Pastebin-PastebinCom-Create -- Paste to http://pastebin.com from Perl ( epel7 ) perl-XXX -- See Your Data in the Nude ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-YAML -- YAML Ain't Markup Language (tm) ( master f24 f23 f22 el5 ) perl-YAML-Parser-Syck -- Perl Wrapper for the YAML Parser Extension: libsyck ( master f24 f23 f22 el6 el5 ) perl-YAML-Syck -- Fast, lightweight YAML loader and dumper ( master f24 f23 f22 el5 ) perl-YAPE-Regex -- Yet Another Parser/Extractor for Regular Expressions ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-asa -- Lets your class/object say it works like something else ( master f24 f23 f22 epel7 el6 ) perl-bareword-filehandles -- Disables bareword filehandles ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-mixin -- Mixin inheritance, an alternative to multiple inheritance ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-multidimensional -- Disables multidimensional array emulation ( master f24 f23 f22 ) perl-prefork -- Optimized module loading for forking or non-forking processes ( el5 ) Thank you, P
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