On Mon, 7 Mar 2016 08:14:47 +1100
David Timms <dti...@iinet.net.au> wrote:

> On 05/03/16 13:37, notificati...@fedoraproject.org wrote:
> > upgradepath FAILED for audacity-2.1.2-3.fc23
> >     
> > https://taskotron.fedoraproject.org/artifacts/all/119e1b68-e27b-11e5-a932-525400120b80/task_output/audacity-2.1.2-3.fc23.log
> >   
> Hi, I've received the above notification from the QA processes after
> submitting a build.
> Background:
> - new gcc has broken audacity build in future Fedora releases. So
> can't update F24/devel yet.
> - new soundtouch in f23 has broken audacity there. The new build is
> correct and works, but is newer than the uncompilable F24/devel for
> the moment.
> Can I ignore that an push the build anyway for F23 (I can't see the
> push button) ?

Sadly this update is already pushed to stable, but next time: 


or I suppose you could add an Epoch. I'd only suggest that if you are
unable to fix f24/rawhide in a timely manner. 


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