Hi Michal,

I have unpushed from f24 and rawhide dnf-1.1.7-1 and revoked the requests for 
The main reason being that the api changed ina way that broke our ability to 
create install

lorax --productþdora --version$ --release$ --
--variant=Workstation --nomacboot --noupgrade --buildarch=athlon --volidþdora-
WS-boot-i386-24 --installpkgsþdora-productimg-workstation
2016-02-25 16:46:06,909: Added 'lorax-repo-0':
2016-02-25 16:46:06,909: Fetching metadata...
repo: downloading from remote: lorax-repo-0, _Handle: metalnk: None, mlist: 
None, urls
repo: using cache for: lorax-repo-0
not found deltainfo for: lorax-repo-0
not found updateinfo for: lorax-repo-0
timer: sack setup: 31470 ms
Getting group metadata
Adding group file from repository: lorax-repo-0
timer: loading comps: 108 ms
2016-02-25 16:46:38,948: checking for root privileges
checking for root privileges
2016-02-25 16:46:38,948: checking the selinux mode
checking the selinux mode
2016-02-25 16:46:38,949: checking dnf base object
checking dnf base object
2016-02-25 16:46:38,949: setting up build architecture
setting up build architecture
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/sbin/lorax", line 353, in <module>
  File "/usr/sbin/lorax", line 209, in main
    remove_temp=True, verify=opts.verify)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pylorax/__init__.py", line 252, in run
    self.arch = ArchData(buildarch)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pylorax/__init__.py", line 65, in 
    self.basearch = dnf.arch.basearch(buildarch)
AttributeError: module 'dnf' has no attribute 'arch'

An API change like that is a point release is not acceptable, certainly not 
without working
With the users of the code to ensure that you do not break peoples code. Given 
where we
are in the Fedora 24 cycle where we need to be reliably composing the OS in 
order to have a
Alpha compose in a few short weeks.

I would like to work out ways to allow development to go forward but we need to 
that changes are syncronised with the users as we do so.



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