On Sat, 6 Feb 2016 14:03:36 -0700
Nathanael Noblet <nathan...@gnat.ca> wrote:

> > On Feb 5, 2016, at 11:08 PM, Dennis Gilmore <den...@ausil.us> wrote:
> > 
> > The Mass Rebuild has been completed, 16129 builds have been tagged
> > into f24, there s currently 1155 failed builds that need to be
> > addressed by the package maintainers. FTBFS bugs will be filed
> > shortly.  
> Awesome! Two questions.
> #1) If one of my packages failed the rpmlint check but I accidentally
> deleted the email, is it there a way to find which one?

Well, I don't see a way to get that info for every package owned by one
person, but you can see the list of rpmlint check failures at: 


> #2) Not sure how the rpmlint notification system is setup, but I
> found it odd that I received notification of packages that passed.
> Really why send those? Or is it something I can configure what type
> of notification I would want?

It seems there's only triggers on 'new result' or 'particular type of
task'. I think it would be nice to be able to filter on failed or
success too. 

Filed a issue on it: 

You can adjust all the other filters at FMN: 


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