On Wed, Feb 3, 2016 at 8:44 AM, Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek
<zbys...@in.waw.pl> wrote:
> Sorry to reply with such a delay.
> On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 07:43:35PM -0800, Andrew Lutomirski wrote:
>> I also think that the whole gethostname(2) mechanism is terminally
>> screwed up.  We abuse the hostname for multiple purposes:
>> 1. It shows up in the default bash prompt.
>> 2. It gets sent to remote DHCP servers.  I think this is a mistake on
>> desktop machines.
> Like discussed elsewhere in the thread, this is used by DDNS, which is
> very useful in closed environments. It is also useful for diagnostics:
> if I look on the router what leases were made, it's much nicer to see
> the names rather than just the MAC addresses. The hostname is
> something that essentially is used to identify a machine for humans,
> and not allowing the hostname to be visible defeats the purpose.

In my opinion, if I weight the privacy and tracking implications of
advertising my laptop's name to every network I connect to against the
minor convenience for network admins who like to read the leases file,
I think the privacy implication is so much more important that it's
silly to even consider the human-readable leases file at all.

> Not sending the hostname in DHCP requests on non-trusted networks was
> discussed in the other part of the thread. It's a great idea, but not
> really relevant to this discussion, since DHCP libraries already make
> this configurable (e.g. SendHostname=, Hostname= settings described in
> systemd.network(5)). The issue is knowing when to set it on and when
> to off, but this is needs to be solved at a slightly higher level.
>> 3. Some programs seem to thing that gethostbyname(gethostname())
>> should return some reasonable concept of "my ip address" despite the
>> general nonexistence of such a concept.
>> I'll propose a strawman:
>>  - gethostname(2) always returns "localhost".
> So you are proposing to make the current hostname mechanism useless
> and add a replacement mechanism. I don't get the point, if this
> got implemented we would be in the same place a few years down the
> road. If the point is to avoid DHCP sending out the hostname, this can
> already be achieved with a simple config change.

The current situation seems to be worse than useless in a lot of
cases.  I've literally never had it do anything useful except show up
in a bash prompt, whereas it's caused services to break for me due to
DNS resolution issues on many, many occasions.

>>  - "localhost" always resolves to or ::1
> That's what nss-myhostname provides.

It's part of what nss-myhostname provides.  There's clearly no
consensus on the "gateway" feature.

>>  - the default DHCP clients send a client identifier that's a function
>> only of the MAC address used to send the query
> It's better not to send anything if not desired as discussed above.
> DHCP servers don't use this to generate leases, so there's little
> point in sending a random value.

It's more of a compatibility thought.  Do servers in the wild work if
the client id is missing entirely or if there are duplicates on the
same network?  Hopefully they do, but I don't know that.

>>  - Whatever systemd magic special-cases "localhost" as "trust what
>> DHCP says" goes away.
> No, systemd doesn't do that. First, nss-myhostname resolves
> localhost statically to Second, sd-dhcp refuses 'localhost'
> as the lease name.

Something causes bash to show garbage that came from DHCP if I set
/etc/hostname to localhost.  I don't know what it is.  I've seen this
on a totally stock Fedora 23 system.

> Systemd will use the DHCP provided "transient" name, but only if the
> "static" name (from /etc/hostname is not set). The "transient" name
> is a fallback value only.

This is probably what I meant above.  It caused a good deal of
confusion and it didn't improve anything for me.  What's the point?

>> This trivially solves one silly annoyance: when I install Fedora, why
>> on Earth is "what's your hostname" a reasonable question to ask me?
> Because all installations of Fedora are similar and a 16 byte UUID
> is not something that most humans can remember.

OK, but this doesn't answer the question at all.  Pretend I'm a
regular computer user.  Why am I supposed to name my computer?  What's
in it for me?

>> Servers may have their own considerations, and NetworkManager and/or
>> networkd could consider having a client-id override.
> (They do.)
>> If people really want to force a non-"localhost" hostname on a server,
>> then forcing it to resolve to something intelligent might make sense,
>> as having everything fail when resolution times out or ends up with
>> SERVFAIL or NXDOMAIN is nasty.  But when I force my hostname to
>> "foo.corp.bar.com", I probably have something other than in
>> mind.
> This is something to be discussed, certainly. We already ask for a
> user name, so it might be nice to simply to default to a hostname
> generated from that, and the automatically detected chassis type (user
> 'Mikey' → login 'mikey' → pretty hostname "Mikey's Laptop" → hostname
> "mikeys-laptop").  This field should still be editable, but a sensible
> default would work nicely. IIRC, this is what Windows does more or
> less, and it is pretty intuitive. At least for Workstation.
> Anaconda could say "This computer will be visible as "Mikey's Laptop"
> in the local network." to make people aware that the name is visible.

Then Anaconda could offer a checkbox "don't do that" because if I'm a
normal person on a laptop, why the @*!& would I want my laptop to
advertise my pet name for it to the world?

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