Due to several fesco tickets and bugzilla requests, there's a number of
packages in the last week that have become orphaned and need a new
point of contact if they want to stay in the package collection. 

Please do look over these and see if you are interested in taking them

poco: C++ class libraries for network-centric applications
goldendict: A feature-rich dictionary lookup program
python-hcs_utils: A collection of useful python snippets for hcs's projects
edsadmin -- An LDAP server administration tool ( master f23 f22 )
ghost-diagrams -- A program that generates patterns from tiles ( master f23 f22 
gtkparasite -- A GUI debugging tool for GTK+ applications ( master f23 f22 )
oflb-riordonfancy-fonts -- A stylized font ( master f23 f22 )
purple-plugin_pack -- A set of plugins for libpurple, pidgin, and finch ( 
master f23 f22 )
python-polib -- A library to parse and manage gettext catalogs ( master f23 f22 
pywebkitgtk -- Python Bindings for WebKit-gtk ( master f23 f22 )
xmlcopyeditor -- A fast, free, validating XML editor ( master f23 f22 )
d-feet -- A powerful D-Bus Debugger ( master f23 f22 el6 )
pygobject3 -- Python 2 bindings for GObject Introspection ( master f23 f22 )



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