On 01/27/2016 05:44 AM, Michael Catanzaro wrote:
> Hi,
> GNOME Chess in F23 has been crashing when promoting pawns. This is easy
> to reproduce by turning off the computer player in Preferences,
> starting a new game, and just moving pawns across the board. It turns
> out to be due to our new hardening flags.
> This is https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1280470
> The hardening flags seem to somehow be breaking a GObject signal
> accumulator, where the signal is emitted from a libtool convenience
> library, but the value is returned from outside the convenience
> library.
> My workaround is just to add %undefine _hardened_build to the specfile,
> because I have no clue what else to do.
> I wonder if other applications are experiencing similar crashes.

We had similar issues when signal callbacks are called through incorrect
function types.  Here is an example:


The backtrace with its register dump suggests that the upper 32 bits of
the return value from the signal were clipped.  Unfortunately, the glib
signals mechanism does not have compile-time or run-time type checks, so
it can easily happen, but is somewhat difficult to track down.

It seems that g_cclosure_user_marshal_ENUM__VOID invokes the callback
with an int return value, but the registered callback
has a return type of PieceType *.

Any change in register allocation can make this bug appear and
disappear, it's not related to the hardening flags.

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