Am Sonntag, den 17.01.2016, 23:27 +0100 schrieb Reindl Harald:
> may i suggest to forget that dnf ever existed and switch back to yum?
> ongoing problems in the core-task solve dependencies is not
> production 
> ready AND REMOVE THE DEPRECATED WARNINGS for "package-cleanup" and 
> "yum-deprecated" until DNF is useable and provides the same
> capabilities 
> as yum/yum-utils
And please don't forget that the autoremove command is unusable at
least since somewhere between Fedora 23 beta and final. That's
absolutely unacceptable!

So please fix your shit or remove the parts you can't fix! And until
then de-deprecate yum until dnf is feature-complete, in a usable stage
and you can guarantee dnf will stay in that stage for a long time.

For me a new package manager has to be absolutely reliable and every
feature has to work as expected before the new one can replace the
current one!

Heiko Adams

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