On Sat, 16 Jan 2016 13:34:12 +0000
"Richard W.M. Jones" <rjo...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Here are a small collection of subject lines of emails sent
> automatically to me by various Fedora systems in the past few days:
> Subject: upgradepath PASSED for FEDORA-2015-850e89be8b
> Subject: [Fedora Update] [comment] auto-buildrequires-1.2-1.fc23
> Subject: rjones's libguestfs-1.33.1-2.fc24 completed
> Subject: rpmlint PASSED for libguestfs-1.33.1-2.fc24
> Subject: Broken dependencies: libguestfs
> Subject: ABRT report for package gnome-boxes has reached 10
> occurrences Subject: [Bug 1269975] svirt very occasionally prevents
> parallel libvirt [..] Subject: Fedora 'packager' sponsor needed for
> suanand Subject: sailer's mingw-sqlite- failed to build
> Subject: libguestfs's builds are back to normal in f24
> Subject: dchen pushed to ocaml-lwt (el6).  "New upstream version
> 2.2.0."
> The only consistent thing is there's nothing consistent about them :-/
> I'd like to propose a very lightweight "standard" for subject lines of
> emails.

I think this is a great idea! 

I'll bring up the subject on the infrastructure list and see what folks
there think of it. 


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