2016-01-16 16:10 GMT+01:00 Kevin Kofler <kevin.kof...@chello.at>:
> Hi,
> in the following review:
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1285042
> a package was reviewed and approved under the name "kpmcore", which matches
> how upstream calls its tarballs. However, the subject line incorrectly
> spelled the name as "KPMcore" in camel-case, which was not caught during
> review, and so when the package was created in pkgdb, the submitter
> accidentally requested the module as "KPMcore". Unfortunately, the automated
> checks apparently do not notice mismatches between the specfile name and the
> subject line, and neither did the reviewer.
> In addition, since nobody reviewed that rename, it also does not handle
> Provides correctly, there isn't even a Provides for the correct name.
> So I would like to ask:
> * How can this particular package get fixed? I sure hope the answer is not
>   to stick to the incorrect camel-case name forever! Can the administrators
>   please look into this?

Since this package only hit rawhide, I guess we can accept that releng
fixes the repo and
avoid the rename process.

If it were a stable or branched release, I would insist to follow the
rename process.

> * Can we add some additional sanity checks to prevent this from happening
>   again in the future? I guess the issue there is that specfile links do not
>   necessarily contain the file name in the link or even contain it, they can
>   be fpaste links, links into some SCM viewer, etc. We would also need to
>   check the latest specfile link, not the first, because sometimes, package
>   names are fixed as part of the review process. But if we can find a
>   solution that does not break current use cases, I think it would be very
>   helpful.
>         Kevin Kofler

That is an excellent idea, I encourage you to open a ticket in pkgdb2.

I guess we could add sanity check to the bugzilla sync script

It could be either a flash message warning packager or plainly refuses
to create the request if you don't fix the ticket.


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