Dne 16.12.2015 v 23:07 Adam Williamson napsal(a):
> <mclasen> might be a good idea to keep that gsettings-desktop-schemas
> build out of rawhide until we get a shell release
> <mclasen> since the old shell won't start with the new schemas

If there is so tight relation between gsettings-desktop-schemas and
gnome-shell, shouldn't be there enough restrictive dependencies to
prevent at least system upgrades? It would save me yesterday 2h of sleep
I spend fixing my computer after update.


> only it was too late - by the time he posted that, the new gsettings-
> desktop-schemas was already in the repos. So all the Workstation
> upgrade tests fail; the upgrade process itself works fine, but GDM does
> not start properly in the upgraded system. i.e., we could do with a
> fixed gnome-shell build ASAP :)
> If we were actually getting Workstation lives, I expect they'd fail in
> about the same way.
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