Michael Catanzaro wrote:

> On Fri, 2015-11-06 at 20:07 +0100, Kevin Kofler wrote:
>> QtWebEngine is definitely the plan for F24. The most likely browser
>> candidate (if Konqueror and/or Rekonq don't get a sudden revival of
>> upstream
>> activity) is probably Qupzilla, which already has experimental
>> QtWebEngine
>> support, and which has some amount of KDE integration. (It uses Qt,
>> it
>> should get KDE file dialogs through the KDE/Plasma Qt platform
>> plugin, it
>> explicitly supports KWallet through the QtKeychain abstraction.)
> Best of luck with this. It's important to have a well-integrated web
> browser based on a modern rendering engine. I expect you'll have that in
> the KDE spin before we do in Workstation.

I suspect Qupzilla might actually feel more integrated into GNOME than 
Firefox. You have the Adwaita-Qt theme, the Qt platform plugin system 
supports GTK+ file dialogs, QtKeychain supports gnome-keyring, and Qupzilla 
should also pick up GNOME's fd.o icon theme unlike Firefox.

You could try it with the version we currently have, but beware that it's 
still a QtWebKit version, not the shiny new QtWebEngine stuff. (By the way, 
QtWebEngine support in Qupzilla is apparently no longer experimental. So 
it's just a matter of packaging now.)

        Kevin Kofler

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