Am 10.10.2015 um 01:59 schrieb Neal Gompa:
On Fri, Oct 9, 2015 at 7:33 PM, Reindl Harald <
    the problem are not only the metadata, but the .solv stuff which did
    not exist before DNF was introduced - what the hell is that, why is
    it that large and how sould fragment the distribution fix that issue?

​Did you think that the faster dependency resolution came for free in
DNF? Yum used SQLite databases, DNF uses solv data. solv data is
generated by libsolv, which parses the repository data and caches it in
a form that can be rapidly re-read and used for doing repository queries
and dependency resolution.​

DNF is by far not as fast as pretended and as the additional overhead and frankly most of the time it's slower, just refuses to just work with "dnf update *.rpm", gives no useful messages in case of dependency problems and the whole autocompletion is laughable slow compared to YUM

not talking about missing features like non-ported yum-utils or essential plugins linke "dnf update --security"

until today nobody was able to show me something which is *really* faster where it does matter and given that /var/cache/dnf is nearly as large as the whole OS of some fedora production machines i miss the improvements and see only drawbacks

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