Am 27.09.2015 um 13:16 schrieb Michael Schwendt:
On Sun, 27 Sep 2015 04:21:08 +0200, Reindl Harald wrote:

besides and the

With all due respect, there's way too much to read in there without clear
comments that explain your thoughts.

Sometimes, full output in a terminal can be self-explaining, but comments
on what exactly you've had in mind when running commends (involving --nodeps
and --force) could be very helpful.

uhm just "dnf update *.rpm"

ridicolous size of /var/cache/dnf/ in genereal it's unacceptable that
"dnf -v update dbmail-3.1.17-3.fc22.20150927.rh.3.1.17.x86_64.rpm
gmime-2.6.20-7.fc22.20150927.rh.x86_64.rpm" *directly* in the repofolder
works (after repeat the command because the bug above) while DNF
pretends "nothing to do"

and YES, "createrepo" was called corerctly by the script filling it for
many years now and a "rm -rf /var/cache/dnf/*" as well as the fact that
it's a own repo without mirrors leaves not much questions

Show it then. Show the output of some queries to list the available
updates for the packages you expect to be updated and the already installed

Instead, what you've shown is updating from local files.

Does dnf see anything at all from your rhsoft-fedora repo?


What have you done to examine "the problem" other than claiming that
createrepo has been run?

Do you try to say that it doesn't see your local repo? Or that it fails
to see some packages only? And yum deprecated works with exactly the same
setup and commands?

DNF works also with the same setup and commands as far as i can see and then it just ignores the two packages built last night only changing some compiler flags and the package is always never by definition since it's version contains the build-date (anyways, release tag raised too)

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