On Tue, Sep 22, 2015 at 06:21:00PM +0100, Pádraig Brady wrote:
> I just used dnf distro-sync as per:
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Upgrading_Fedora_using_yum#Fedora_22_-.3E_Fedora_23
> This went fine, and I'm now typing this on F23 beta.
> What are the main advantages of system-upgrade?
> Should the above wiki mention the system-uprade instructions?

There's actually a "fedup" script as part of the package. I think we
should update the dnf-plugin-system-upgrade to Provide: fedup, and keep
the instructions the same. Rationale:

* FedUp has gotten a lot of positive press *just recently*, including this
  interview with Jim Whitehurst

* Although the mechanisms are different, the basic concepts,
  especially from a user point of view, are very similar

* Documentation won't need (as much) updating

* fedup.sh is already done

* FedUp is an awesome name

* People get all stabby over changes. Let's save getting stabbed for
  when we really need it.

Matthew Miller
Fedora Project Leader
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