Hi folks! Sorry for the late notice, but I'm proposing we cancel
Monday's QA meeting. Thanks very much to everyone who helped out with
Beta testing - you all helped us get Beta tested and signed off with
less drama than I can remember for any release in the last few years,
and with no delays! Awesome work everyone.

Since Beta went so well there's nothing much to discuss, I don't
think. We have a Test Day coming up on Tuesday - Cloud Atomic Test
Day, I've just sent an announce mail for it. For Beta prep work, we
pretty much just have to get the Common Bugs page into shape, and I
guess kparal and/or I will be working on that tomorrow.

If anyone does have something they think could do with meeting
discussion, please do reply to this mail and we can get together ahead
of the blocker review meeting!
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | XMPP: adamw AT happyassassin . net

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