----- Original Message -----
> After seeing my phone (Samsung Galaxy S III) picking-up some media
> shared from my mother's Windows 7 laptop and the experience being
> reasonably positive (it more-or-less worked to play videos), I decided
> to try my hand at getting this to work in Fedora 22.  I've been
> generally pleased with GNOME vs. MATE this time, so I've stuck with
> GNOME.  The mechanism for sharing media from your desktop is handled
> through the Sharing menu, which for sharing media, uses rygel via the
> SSDP protocol (commonly called UPnP).
> There are a couple[1] of bugs[2] relative to these issues.  The first
> firewalld issue is marked as resolved for F21, but I think the scope is
> from one Fedora system to another. There are even blog posts[3]
> celebrating that it's working with a simple toggle, but my shares on my
> Fedora system are still not visible via UPnP from my phone.

Are you sure that there's a problem with your Fedora installation's firewall,
and that you're not seeing another problem?

What ports would it have needed? I'm pretty sure the firewall problems
are already fixed in Fedora 21 and later, and that you're seeing another

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