This is going to be pretty common for anything that uses the bootstrap CSS 
framework, since glyphicons is bundled as part of it. I do not see much benefit 
from packaging this separately, especially as the license for the glyphicons 
halflings font included with bootstrap is MIT, but CC-BY from the upstream 

Stefan Nuxoll <<>>

> Date: Mon, 13 Jul 2015 19:55:53 -0700 
> Subject: Packaged fonts? (and regular audits?) 
> From: 
> To: 
> During the review of cppformat, it was pointed out that it contained a  
> font that should be removed because it's packaged with Fedora (  
> ). While working  
> on resolving this, I was looking into what package provided this font  
> so I could add the appropriate Requires to get the font and noticed  
> that quite a few packages also include this font: 
> yum provides "*/glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf" 
> Is this ok? And if not, then is there some way that a set of  
> fedora-review style audits could be run on existing packages to verify  
> that these sorts of things didn't accidentally slip through the  
> original review or were introduced in an update without being noticed? 
> Thanks, 
> Dave 
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