On Wed, 2015-07-01 at 18:40 -0400, Paul Wouters wrote:
> That's the same as saying remove the "continue anyway" frmo the 
> browser.

Yeah, I want to do that too; actually I added it to Epiphany myself,
not because it's a good idea, but because I know we'll be in for
complaints otherwise, because Firefox and Chrome let you continue and
we have to be just like them....

Basically all browser vendors agree that the Continue Anyway button was
a huge mistake, but everyone is afraid to remove it for fear users will
switch to a competing browser, so it's here to stay I'm afraid....

Anyway, if you think it's absolutely essential to have an opt-out, I
guess we could have one buried in the network panel. But we don't want
to advertise it.
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