On Tuesday, June 02, 2015 10:02:30 AM Adam Miller wrote:
> Hello all,
>     There was recently a thread on the Fedora ARM mailing list[0]
> about getting a Fedora ARM image into the official Docker Hub. That
> discussion lead down the trail of how to best handle the naming for
> all of this.
> The current questions are either using Fedora's namespace and just
> making a new image (using Fedora ARM as an example), this would be the
> "FROM" line for a Dockerfile
>     FROM fedora/armhfp
> Which would then contain all the standard tags for latest, rawhide, f22,
> etc.
> Or alternatively, have each architecture maintain their own namespace
> within the Hub which would look a little more like:
>     FROM fedora-arm
> I'm personally a fan of the first option because it keeps things under
> the Fedora umbrella and also allows for flexibility of aarch64, POWER,
> etc as Docker supports more architectures. However the one thing I see
> there that could be problematic is the possibility for users to be
> confused if they don't search on the Docker Hub webUI and see the
> associated documentation highlighting that the base image is for a
> different architecture but instead just search from the docker command
> line and end up with an image that won't run.

I think I prefer the first option also.




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