On 3 June 2015 at 14:28, Giovanni Panozzo <giova...@panozzo.it> wrote:

> Adding Antenore to this thread, the other Remmina developer left on the
> whole earth :)
> My small contribution: Remmina can survive without libappindicators. It
> will fallback to use GtkStatusIcon to show its icon under Xfce/Lxde/Kde
> (note that GtkStatusIcon is deprecated now, with no alternatives).
> My original suggestion was intended for Gnome Shell users: link remmina
> with libappindicators AND also add this extension
> https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/615/appindicator-support/
> The result under Gnome Shell is a very nice system tray menu for remmina.
> But currently is almost impossible to have a coherent and working on all
> desktop environment systemtray icon + menu.
> I started to collect informations on this page:
> https://github.com/FreeRDP/Remmina/wiki/Systray-menu
> but it's almost impossible to come to a simple solution.
> And in our reasoning (this morning!) we discussed also if we should just
> remove the systray icon+menu. Your opinion on the removal are welcome :)
> So, feel free to remove libappindicators on fedora: Gnome Shell users
> which did not install the appindicator extension will not notice any
> difference without libappindicators.
> Users of xfce/kde/lxde will get a GtkStatusIcon menu, if the apposite
> panel applet is loaded.
> Giovanni

Thanks for the explanation!

The total absence of any FreeRDP release (i.e. you always need the latest
git commit) makes packaging this along with all the other software using
FreeRDP a real nightmare.


You cannot discover new oceans unless you have the courage to lose sight of
the shore (R. W. Emerson).

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