On Tue, 12 May 2015 21:26:42 -0300
Adrian Soliard <asoli...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:

> Dennis,
>    Once a time, someone told me that Beta RC4 was the final release,

For Fedora 22 Beta we had 3 RC's. So, 22_Beta_RC3 was the actual Beta

> this final freeze is the same? If I install final freeze, then I need
> to update to the final release? Where can I download final freeze?

The way it works is that we have TC (test compose) releases with
increasing numbers until all known release blocking bugs are fixed, then
we start RC releases with increasing numbers until we can no longer
find any release blocking bugs. Then, there is a 'go/no-go' meeting to
make sure everyone is ok with releasing, and than that final RC(n) is
released as the final version. 

Currently we have had 3 TC's for the final release. TC1, TC2, TC3. 

Since we have outstanding blocker bugs and proposed blocker bugs: 
we cannot make a RC1 yet, but there may be more TC's. 

Hope that clarifies things. 


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