On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 21:34:45 -0500,
 Richard Shaw <hobbes1...@gmail.com> wrote:
I was doing a test build of zipios++ for rawhide in mock and when the build
for the documentation was attempted I got an interesting (if unhelpful)

It looks like the make doc target uses convert for part of the

+ make V=1 doc
convert doc/images/zipios++.jpg doc/images/zipios++.eps
Makefile:808: recipe for target 'doc' failed
make: *** [doc] Illegal instruction (core dumped)

Doing this by hand in my f21 system seems to work.

I tested this and it happens on my AMD machine, but not my intel machine. So its probably using SSE without testing to make sure it's supported.
Most likely this can be disabled in the build.

Have you filed a bug for this?
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