On Tuesday, 28 April 2015 at 00:45, Kalev Lember wrote:
> Hi all,
> In two weeks we will be entering the F22 Final Freeze. At that point,
> Fedora release engineering retires any packages that still have broken
> dependencies in the F22 tree.
> Based on today's Branched report [1], we still have a number of unfixed
> packages with broken dependencies (package maintainers BCC'd to this
> email). Anything not fixed by 2015-05-11 from the list below is going to
> be automatically retired:
>        Package          (co)maintainers    
> ========================================================
> newsx                   rathann, itamarjp

Broken dep caused by INN update.
Fixed in https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-7024.

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        -- Delenn to Lennier in Babylon 5:"Confessions and Lamentations"
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