Andre Robatino composed on 2015-04-25 00:25 (UTC):

> Felix Miata composed:

>> > Just as a workaround, you CAN make a Windows box use UTC for the RTC...

>> Multiboot is not a universe limited to Windows and Linux, and certainly not
>> only the latest version of either. And, there's a whole LAN to consider, not
>> one PC in isolation.

> AFAIK, Windows is the only OS that has trouble using UTC for the RTC.

Have you ever used DOS or OS/2? I don't remember ever seeing options at
installation time to choose anything other than local in either one. Same for
W95, W98, WXP & W7. How they were set up initially is how they will remain.

>> When I acquire a new PC or motherboard, I set its clock to match the rest of
>> the clocks in the building, neighborhood and city, so the sun is overhead
>> somewhere around noon. That's how time is supposed to be. It's up to a PC to
>> adjust to me and my environment, not vice versa, and when I boot a floppy I
>> don't need to look at a watch, TV or wall clock to see what time it really 
>> is.

> If you're using a laptop and travel between time zones,

No laptop, no cell phone, no traveling among time zones.

> there is no
> permanent local time. And even if you stay in one place, if your local time
> is subject to Daylight Saving, the fact that it can go backwards when
> changing from DT to ST causes problems for the OS. See

Bigger problems trying to retrofit, assuming the possibility even exists for
any in particular, loads of diverse installations to UTC, or track which have
been converted or didn't need to be  or can't be, and which not, than to have
them reboot after or shut down while the clocks change.

> . To avoid that, the time
> used by the RTC should increase monotonically. Also, when people share
> files, if their RTCs are in different time zones, it's impossible to know
> exactly how to interpret a file's timestamps, since they depend on the
> originating PC's time zone. The only way to avoid these problems is for
> everyone to have their RTC set on the same monotonically increasing time,
> and UTC is the natural choice.

That UTC is the ideal choice for most use cases does not justify making it
the only choice for all installations. This is still FOSS, home of choice and
multiple ways to get things done. All your base are not belong to us yet.
"The wise are known for their understanding, and pleasant
words are persuasive." Proverbs 16:21 (New Living Translation)

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata  ***
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