On 7 Mar 2015, at 20:35, Stephen John Smoogen wrote:
On 7 March 2015 at 15:33, Mike Pinkerton <pseli...@mindspring.com>
On 7 Mar 2015, at 15:52, Stephen John Smoogen wrote:
On 7 March 2015 at 11:53, Mike Pinkerton <pseli...@mindspring.com>
On 7 Mar 2015, at 10:41, Björn Persson wrote:
Mike Pinkerton wrote:
On 6 Mar 2015, at 23:49, Adam Williamson wrote:
On Fri, 2015-03-06 at 23:09 +0100, Björn Persson wrote:
I hope https://xkcd.com/936/will be among the inputs to that
I'm fond of noting that pwquality has not yet blacklisted any variant
of correcthorsebatterystaple. I've been using correcthorse as my stock
anaconda testing password, since the strength check has been
It won't stand up to a combinator attack:
It's not entirely clear, but I guess you mean that a two-word
combination like "correct horse" won't stand up. That appears to be
true. A four-word phrase is an entirely different matter. Each
additional word increases the complexity exponentially, so doubling
number of words squares the number of possible combinations.
The "combinator" attack that is described in the Ars Technica
article that Bruce Schneier quotes in the above link appears to be
an attack that tries combinations of multiple words from one or
more of the attacker's word lists. Certainly adding more words to
the pass-phrase would make that more difficult. As I don't know
the current state of the art in password cracking, I don't know
whether attackers typically limit their attacks to only two words,
or extend to three or more words.
They limit it to 1-2 words because it takes a LONG time to crack
SHA512crypt passwords. You can do on average 32k -> 128k hash crypt
checks per second per password. A two word dictionary of diceware
would have 2^25.85 passwords in it. A single system is going to
take 256 seconds on 2 words. Add in 3 words (2^38.775) and it is 24
days. Add in a 4th word and it is 544 years. Add in a 5th word and
it is 4.5 million years.
Apparently Diceware's creator is not as confident as you -- he nows
recommends more than 5 words.
Perhaps improvements in graphics cards have changed the calculus in
recent years.
Yes and no.
1) He has always wanted to make sure that an attack was going to
take billions of years for the US government on. Thus his level of
threat is the 100 billion dollar cluster... Which yes 6 or 7 words
would be needed if not 8. Your password of completely random
characters will also need to be a lot longer.
2) He is also aware that most of the hacks out there have not been
SHA512crypt but MD5sum/SHAsum/NT password breaches. If you are
lucky they used md5crypt or the original sha1crypt. Those are
formats that yes millions of attacks per second can be done in an
offline attempt. If you have no control over how the password is
stored then using 4 or 5 words is not enough.
3) Yes graphic cards improve with more cores but they do not
increase word size as often because there really isn't much need
other than cracking large passwords (bitcoin which is the primary
use for video cards doesn't get faster with a larger word so it
isn't something people will pay for.) Without a larger word size
the various code for doing a SHA512crypt gets slow.
Neither of the first two items are things which are going to be
general users of Linux are needing to deal with. If you are having
to worry about that sort of attack then you are going to need a lot
more work than a 100+ bit entropy password.
While writing this up I went and checked that the whole thing is
outlined point for point in wikipedia
To estimate the time just do the following:
$15,000 computer -> 128k/sec = 2^17. Lets assume moore's law comes
in and we have 2^20 by 2020.
Take the possible entropy and subtract the 2^17 and that will give
you the worst case. I believe it may be 1/4 of that so make it
subtract 2^19 currently for one system and 2^29 for a cluster of
1024 computers (so 15 million dollars).
2 words is going to be (25.85-19) 115 seconds for one system and
0.1 for big ass cluster.
3 words is going to be (38.78-19) 236 hours ). <1 day for big ass
4 words is going to be (51.70-19) 221 years). < 1 year
5 words is going to be (64.63-19) 1.7 million years) < 1700 years.
(or 1.7 years for a 15 billion dollar investment).
To get equivalent strength from say an all lower case password you
are going to need 14 [a-z] characters.
Now here is the funny thing. All that speed to get 128k is if the
password is less than around 12 characters for most cracking
software due to the way the hardware and algorithms have been
optimized. If the string is longer than that the hardware drops in
speed by orders of magnitude. So correctstaple is actually going to
take longer than I said. In fact all the numbers I put for 3+ words
is probably going to be 10-100 times longer.
All of this assumes that the attacker is trying to brute force the
entire string -- character by character. In the Ars Technica
article I linked to in my previous message, the attackers did not
try to brute force anything over 6 characters. Instead, they used
other strategies, including the combinator strategy that would have
broken correcthorse.
I am going to assume that your definition of brute force is a, b,
c, d, e, f,... all the way to ~~~~~~ . That is 95^6 735,091,890,625
things to test.
Second of all they were testing md5sum passwords That is a format
which you can do hundreds of millions of attempts per second on a
standard video card. The speed difference between md5sum and
md5crypt is 3-4 orders of magnitude. The speed difference between
md5sum and sha512crypt are much more.
Three the thing they took advantage of was that people are lazy. If
a password set were from fedoraproject.org then I would start
testing with
as my main words. I would then test with capitalization and then
add in the most common combinators. 4kids, 4life, 123456, other
linux websites (slashdot, lwn.net) plus various pre and other
items. I would also do various other items. It is still
bruteforcing, it just isn't a,b,c,d,e,f bruteforcing. The reason
they stopped at 6 characters of ASCII is that you can do that on
md5sum in a couple of hours (7 characters takes weeks, 8 months?).
On md5crypt doing a brute force takes a couple of years (3 when I
did it last.. if moore's law is in place for CUDA that should be 1
year now). On sha512crypt it was close to a decade (2 years now?).
[Red Hat Linux and Fedora have never used md5sum. They used
md5crypt for many years and now use sha512crypt]
So why did they pick up so many passwords? Because a TON of people
just add 1, !, 123, 123456, and maybe the popular TV show of the
time (bigbang is popular). You aren't testing all the combinations,
you figure out the most common combinations and use that. The
search space is completely different from a properly run diceware
(or similar passphrase generator). It is also different from a
completely random 12 character string.. it is more like a 6
character string with a high likelihood of 123456 added to the end.
And that is how most of those passwords were gotten (I repeated the
experiment after the article was out because I was accessing how
hard it would be for Fedoraproject passwords to be 'gotten' . It
took 3 months to go over 10,000 possible passwords. Of that only
people who chose easily guessed passwords were found (the ones
listed above as core words). Now if you had redhat987654 as your
password it would have taken me years to get there linearly.
There are 2 caveats.
1) Once again, Adam was being sarcastic. He knows the password
isn't any good because well he TOLD everyone what it was. He was
making fun of the fact that libpwquality does not blacklist it..
which means that correctstaple is the new password of choice (when
the old one might have been 123456)
I saw your first note that Adam was being sarcastic -- although it
probably doesn't matter what password he is using for offline
testing of Anaconda and release candidates.
I was responding to Björn Persson's suggestion that, in discussions
of password quality, correcthorsebatterystaple would be an example
of a safe password. My point is that, if attackers are using
strategies other than brute forcing, which the Ars Technica article
suggests is the case, then constructing long passwords out of known
words is probably not a safe strategy.
The problem with your conjecture is that there is a vast difference
between if you just choose 2 words versus using a computer to
choose 2 words. If you choose two words you are most likely going
to choose ones with some sort of association. Or you will use your
languages grammar to do some sort of association. That cuts down
the search space incredibly. [A two word space instead of having
say 60466176 combinations will only be 100-1000.] red hat, red
beer, red car, red tomato, red dress. blue hat, blue boat, blue
car, blue coat. If the passwords are really randomly selected via
diceware or similar tools, then that number jumps back to 6 million
(with a mean time of 1/2 of however long it would take to do 6
Because the word lists used by attackers are lists of strings that
they have scraped from various sources -- human language
dictionaries, password strings found in previous attacks, passwords
publicized by Adam on mailing lists, strings constructed on
patterns (e.g., "7kids", "8kids"), etc. -- a string that one would
normally think of as four words -- correcthorsebatterystaple --
once it has been discovered as a password once and added to the
attacker's word list, becomes only one word for all future cracking
2) This is always true http://xkcd.com/538/
And finally. If one were to take the top 1 million known passwords
as the dictionary.. then each word would have about 20 bits of
entropy. A password generator that outputted stuff like
123456 password trustn01 letmein1
would take 256 or more longer to brute force crack than using
diceware. Actually that sounds like a nice project to add to my
EN_RN translation project.
Except that the attackers aren't brute forcing long passwords.
Apparently, they can successfully crack a ridiculously high
percentage (90% in the Ars Technica experiment) in the space of a
day using other techniques.
How much entropy does "rastafarianestablishmentarian" have? With
the techniques attackers are using, I doubt it would take even one
hour to crack it.
It depends on a lot of things. If the password is stored as an
md5sum then it will probably take a week or so because I have to
work my way through the oxford dictionary and put all the words
that match in a definition together. If you had put a word in the
second part that wasn't associated with rastafarian... it would be
a lot longer.
Rastafarian - Oxford Dictionaries
Rastafarians have distinctive codes of behaviour and dress,
including the ... Darien, disciplinarian, egalitarian,
equalitarian, establishmentarian, fruitarian, ...
Then it is going to depend on the tools I use. For a long time most
of the fast password crackers did not check anything after 15
characters for md5sum and tend to do this for some other formats.
Thus rastafarianestablishmentarian would only be checked as
rastafarianesta and would never match. This has been fixed with
most tools but there is still a catch in that you are using glibc
versus cuda version of the code and you are now at CPU speed versus
video card speed. CPU speed on md5sum is in the low millions and
md5crypt and sha512crypt are down in the thousands.
At that point, you have to be very smart in your forcing spending a
lot of time ahead looking for word associations. It would take
weeks even with fast md5sum to go through a brute force of 2 word
combination in the oxford dictionary. It would take days if you
have already worked out that word X is going to be associated with
words A,B,C,D,E,F.... People like the experts in that article have
done a LOT of homework on human psychology to make smart guesses.
They are also the first to tell you that all that goes out the
window if the passwords are truly randomly put together.
That was my point.
Ok, to bring this back around to where we started -- password quality
checkers on Fedora:
1. By positing a "strategic" attacker, we have now reduced the time
we expect it to take him/her to crack our 29 character password
("rastafarianestablishmentarian"), with whatever amount of entropy it
has, to a matter of weeks or months rather than millions of years.
Even if we had used a slightly longer password with upper case and
numerals -- Rastafarianestablishmentarian2015 -- that would probably
still be true because it matches a common pattern of initial upper
case and appended numerals.
2. Humans are so good at patterns that we tend to embed them in
everything we do, knowingly or unknowingly. Given that, any password
or passphrase that a random user can easily remember is likely to
match a fairly common pattern.
3. How do you get your password quality checker to recognize all
such patterns, rather than just computing a string's entropy?
To quote from the Ars Technica article:
"The ease these crackers had in recovering as many as 90 percent of
the hashes they targeted from a real-world breach also exposes the
inability many services experience when trying to measure the
relative strength or weakness of various passwords. A recently
launched site from chipmaker Intel asks users "How strong is your
password?," and it estimated it would take six years to crack the
passcode "BandGeek2014". That estimate is laughable given that it was
one of the first ones to fall at the hands of all three real-world
As Ars explained recently, the problem with password strength meters
found on many websites is they use the total number of combinations
required in a brute-force crack to gauge a password's strength. What
the meters fail to account for is that the patterns people employ to
make their passwords memorable frequently lead to passcodes that are
highly susceptible to much more efficient types of attacks."
I guess one response would be to give up any pretense of password
quality checking, although I am not advocating that. I'm still
holding out hope that you have a solution.
Thanks for schooling me, Stephen and Björn. Seriously.
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