On Thu, 29 Jan 2015 09:09:04 +0100
Matěj Cepl <mc...@cepl.eu> wrote:

> On 2015-01-29, 01:29 GMT, Peter Hutterer wrote:
> > I don't have numbers on how many packages have this need but I
> > predict that the efforts to get this to work, test it, deploy it,
> > etc. are vastly greater than the time saved not having to retire a
> > package :)
> Certainly, but
> a) we are geeks, so we want to have things Working Right™,

Sure. If I had the time to get every little thing working right, I
would sure love it. ;) Finding the time for corner cases is sometimes
difficult though. 

> b) when the work on pkgdb is open 
>    (https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/5931) it is really 
>    not a big deal to add one more feature.

Sure, please feel free to suggest it in a ticket and/or help work to
make it happen. 


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