On Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 5:51 PM, Miloslav Trmač <m...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> * Contingency mechanism: Revert to older gcc, mass rebuild everything again
>> * Contingency deadline: Before release
> This is an invasive contingency mechanism, requiring retesting a lot of 
> functionality; the contingency deadline for this (i.e. when we need to be 
> comfortable that the revert will not be needed, should certainly be at the 
> usual beta freeze at the latest, if not earlier.  Invoking this contingency 
> mechanism “before release”, say during the GA RC phase, would really not be 
> feasible without a massive slip.

Any revert of this would mean another mass rebuild similar to what was
needed in F-21 which will guarantee a slip of probably two weeks, late
in the beta phase this becomes more of an issue. 18K packages do take
some time to rebuild, tag etc.

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