Dne 8.1.2015 v 12:30 Felix Schwarz napsal(a):
> Am 08.01.2015 um 00:17 schrieb Rahul Sundaram:
>> That is kind of a basic requirement.  We need to do more.  We need to inform
>> people when their release is going EOL and we also need to automatically
>> prompt users to upgrade whenever there is a new release (ie) some  
>> integration
>> between GNOME Software/Apper and Fedup
> Maybe this is part of a bigger theme (e.g. "improve packager <-> user 
> connection"?

Hmm, speaking about Fedora's packages, you are right that the
information about retiring is buried just in dist-git. PkgDb and fedora
packages don't show much information about retiring packages. Hence I
filled two RFE's to improve the situation a bit:


But that means that also package maintainers should do better job and
justify the reasons better.

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