=================================== #fedora-meeting: FESCO (2015-01-07) ===================================
Meeting started by sgallagh at 18:01:22 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2015-01-07/fesco.2015-01-07-18.01.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * init process (sgallagh, 18:01:22) * #1372 "Workstation" Product defaults to wide-open firewall (sgallagh, 18:04:36) * AGREED: FESCo trusts the Workstation WG to properly research and develop a sensible firewall solution and will stay out of the way. (+5, 3, -0) (sgallagh, 18:40:04) * sgallagh volunteers to act as a security consultant to the Workstation team if they are interested. (sgallagh, 18:41:07) * #1349 Fedora 22 scheduling strategy (and beyond) (sgallagh, 18:41:13) * LINK: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/22/Schedule (mattdm, 18:43:55) * change submission deadline in _less than two weeks_ (mattdm, 18:44:51) * AGREED: FESCo would like for F22 to strictly adhere to a schedule, rather than adjusting the schedule based on submitted features. We intend to enforce the contingency plan very strictly this cycle (+8, 0, -0) (sgallagh, 19:04:19) * Tentative date for side-tag merge is 2015-01-28 (sgallagh, 19:09:55) * Tentative date for mass rebuild (if needed) is 2015-01-30 (sgallagh, 19:10:05) * ACTION: jreznik to send schedule reminder announcement (sgallagh, 19:12:05) * AGREED: FESCo approves the current proposed schedule with a planned final delivery on 2015-05-19 (+8, 0, -0) (sgallagh, 19:15:08) * #1198 Possible changes to Fedora EOL bug procedure (sgallagh, 19:17:46) * F19 EOL warning will be sent today. We will auto-close all remaining bugs in one month. (sgallagh, 19:28:14) * #1378 F22 System Wide Change: Elasticsearch - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Elasticsearch (sgallagh, 19:28:23) * AGREED: Change is approved. The approach is OK, please resubmit with a real contingency plan. (+7, 0, -1) (sgallagh, 19:51:03) * #1379 F22 System Wide Change: Change xorg input stack to use libinput - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/LibinputForXorg (sgallagh, 19:51:28) * AGREED: Approved with two caveats: 1) Both GNOME and KDE must be updated by the contingency date or it goes into effect and 2) the contingency plan should note that it will may require reverting changes to the control panels as well. (+7, 0, -0) (sgallagh, 19:57:46) * #1380 F22 System Wide Change: wxPython 3 - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/wxPython3 (sgallagh, 19:58:16) * AGREED: Change is approved. (+7, 0, -0) (sgallagh, 20:04:45) * Next week's chair (sgallagh, 20:04:53) * mattdm to chair next week's meeting (sgallagh, 20:06:14) * Elections (sgallagh, 20:06:19) * LINK: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Elections (jreznik_pp, 20:07:08) * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Elections (sgallagh, 20:07:12) * Elections will open for nominations on January 13th. Voting will open on January 27th. (sgallagh, 20:11:57) * Open Floor (sgallagh, 20:12:03) Meeting ended at 20:13:30 UTC. Action Items ------------ * jreznik to send schedule reminder announcement Action Items, by person ----------------------- * jreznik * jreznik to send schedule reminder announcement * **UNASSIGNED** * (none) People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * sgallagh (196) * mattdm (87) * nirik (86) * mitr (73) * jreznik (71) * jwb (68) * t8m (60) * kalev (35) * thozza (27) * hadess (22) * drago01 (20) * zodbot (18) * jreznik_pp (13) * twoerner (12) * mcatanzaro (5) * mclasen (5) * mmaslano (0) * stickster (0) * dgilmore (0) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
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