On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 05:20:01PM +0000, Tom Hughes wrote:
> On 22/12/14 17:07, Jan Kratochvil wrote:
> >On Mon, 22 Dec 2014 05:59:50 +0100, Felix Miata wrote:
> >>I started a yum upgrade process. When it reached 342/784 (@avahi) over half
> >>an hour ago, the screen writing from the process simply halted.
> >
> >During F20->F21 upgrade I had to run along something like
> >     while sleep 1;do killall systemctl;done
> >(the real command was longer) as many %post scripts tried to restart their
> >daemon but during the upgrade each systemctl command was timing out with very
> >long delay.
> I had that as well - the cause is that systemd asserts and goes into
> panic mode which means it no longer responds to systemctl calls. It
> didn't happen to all my machines but it did to a couple of them.
> The fix is to kill the dbus-daemon process - after that the
> systemctl calls will still fail but will do so quickly rather than
> slowly.
> You will also won't be able to do a clean reboot so will have to
> resort to something like "sync; reboot -ff" to reboot after it
> completes.

FWIW I saw pretty much identical symptoms on 3 different machines.


Richard Jones, Virtualization Group, Red Hat http://people.redhat.com/~rjones
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