
I'm Fale, one of the cinnamon maintainer of Fedora and I was working on a
Cinnamon Spin too. Due to the big amount of work I'm doing during these
months, I kind of left it behind. I can join you with this project if you
want too :).

Thanks a lot,

On Sat, Dec 20, 2014 at 6:14 PM, Rahul Sundaram <methe...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi
> On Sat, Dec 20, 2014 at 11:35 AM, Dan Book  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have put together a basic Cinnamon Live spin, and was wondering if this
>> is something people would like to see become official. It's not ready for
>> submission quite yet, there is a bit of a hack to change the default
>> gtk-theme to Zukitwo, as the Adwaita gtk-theme messes up title-bar and
>> desktop icon colors (something that should probably be fixed upstream, this
>> happens for any Cinnamon install by default in F21).
> Please file a bug report.
>> I'm not a Fedora packager nor do I have a whole lot of time to put into
>> this, but I am willing to update and maintain the spin as necessary.
> Spins do take sometime regularly and you should either be actively working
> with the Cinnamon maintainers in Fedora or be a co-maintainer yourself but
> now that you have gotten a headstart, hopefully others can step in and take
> it forward working with you if you are interested/have that time.  Thanks!
> Rahul
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Fabio Alessandro Locati

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