----- Original Message -----
> I can't speak for virtme, but supermin won't read new files that are
> added by the administrator.  It only looks at files that it knows
> (from RPM metadata) are part of RPM-installed packages, and only a
> fixed list of Fedora-packaged RPMs are consulted, not random third
> party RPMs[*]
> [*] Well, except if they replace a core Fedora RPM with a third party
> RPM of the same name, but is anyone that crazy?

Apparently such craziness does happen in various enterprise setups.  I have no 
idea whether users that crazy intersect with users who would benefit from 
supermin or virtme; perhaps they do such crazy things exactly because they have 
their own, different, OS distribution system.

> I don't
> regard a project that has been successfully used in production for
> half a decade to be a "hack", but you're entitled to your opinion.

I am admittedly a pedant and “relying on assumptions that the system does not 
promise to provide” weighs much more to me than “it didn’t broke for the known 
users” :)
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