Am 24.09.2014 um 18:16 schrieb Stephen Gallagher:
> There has been some discussion in various forums lately about how we
> will handle fedup upgrades from Fedora 20 to Fedora 21 products.
> Several suggestions have been made that warrant discussion:
>  * Upgrades from Fedora 20 remain non-productized. They pick up
> fedora-release-standard and upgrade only their existing packages.
>  * Upgrades from Fedora 20 become Fedora Workstation systems and have
> the appropriate environment group installed on them. This mechanism
> will not remove any existing packages.
>  * Fedup should provide a selection for which Product (or
> non-productized) version to upgrade to.
> I am personally opposed to forcing all upgrades to become Fedora
> Workstation (even if in general the majority of existing deployments
> are desktop/laptop machines).
> I think either the first option (easy) or the last option (requiring
> fedup changes) will be preferable. In the selectable case, I think
> that fedup should operate as a non-productized upgrade unless
> otherwise specified at the command-line. If we pass --server,
> --workstation, --cloud, it should upgrade existing packages as well as
> installing the complete set of the @^fedora-$PRODUCT-environment comps
> environment group

while i talk here only about YUM instead of "fedup" it may also be
a matter of dependencies at the end:

i would strongly prefer "non-productized" because i have around 30
machines upgraded now from F9 to F20 with YUM and they are all
strongly customized all sort of servers, workstations and all of
them are stripped-down setups with no unused package installed

pull a desktop on a nameserver with 291 packages - no thanks :-)

for me the products are a nice thing for a lot of users to get sane
combinations targeting the needs, on the other hand many server admins
likely want to continue with minimal installs and add additional
packages as needed (we do that with meta-packages only defining
dependencies) because it don't happen often enough to install
a phyiscal machine from scratch compared to clone the golden
master virtual machine

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