Hi, folks! Sorry for the late notice, but better late than never. Amita
mentioned this on Tuesday, but I figured a proper announcement mail
can't hurt!

Today (that is, 2014-08-28) is GNOME Test Day!


We’ll be testing GNOME 3.14 pre-release on Fedora 21 pre-Alpha, so I
expect everything will work absolutely perfectly and no-one will find
any bugs at all ;)

But seriously! Come on down and test, there are lots of fun new features
in GNOME 3.14 to try and both GNOME and Fedora teams could definitely
use some exercise on the new bits that’ll be included. We have
brand-spanking-new nightly live images for i686 and x86_64, and even an
ARM image if you’re that one person with hardware capable of running
GNOME Shell on ARM. Wayland is actually in more-or-less usable shape for
Intel video adapters now, so if you have an Intel-based system you can
even give that a try!

The wiki page has full instructions, and we’re using the handy test day
results reporting system[1] so you don’t have to hand-edit results into
wiki pages, that’s so 2012. Friendly folks – both QA folks and GNOME
developers – will be standing by all day European and North American
time in #fedora-test-day on Freenode IRC to help you out with testing
and discuss any bugs you come across. If you don’t know how to use IRC,
you can read the instructions[2], or just use WebIRC[3]. Please come by
and help out if you have a few spare minutes! Thanks.

1. http://testdays.qa.fedoraproject.org/testdays/show_event?event_id=17
2. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_use_IRC
3. http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=fedora-test-day
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | XMPP: adamw AT happyassassin . net

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