On Fri, 2014-04-11 at 14:19 +0200, Jaroslav Reznik wrote:
> = Proposed Self Contained Change: Docker Container Image = 
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Docker_Container_Image
> Change owner(s):  Lokesh Mandvekar <l...@fedoraproject.org>, Dennis Gilmore 
> <den...@ausil.us>
> This is Fedora running inside Docker. Currently, there are non-official 
> images 
> in the docker index, but we'd like them to really come out of release 
> engineering. 
> == Detailed Description ==
> The public docker registry [1] hosts many fedora images [2] including an 
> unprefixed (semi-official) image [3]. However, this image doesn't have 
> rel-eng 
> approval which would be required for a fully official image. 
> == Scope ==
> * Proposal owners: The proposal owner needs to build the image tarballs with 
> the official kickstart scripts and make them available to docker's stackbrew 
> repo, which is used by the Docker maintainers to build unprefixed images.
> Release Engineering approval/intervention would be needed at some point 
> (details still TBD)
> * Other developers: N/A (not a System Wide Change) 
> * Release engineering: Official Release Engineering image approval. Process 
> still TBD. 
> * Policies and guidelines: N/A (not a System Wide Change) 


So, this adds yet another to our rather teetering pile of deliverables
to consider the relative importance / status of, and for releng to
generate zillions of times per cycle.

What "Fedora" exactly is the image going to contain? Fedora Server?
Fedora Cloud? Will it be a part of either of those products? If not,
what is its status, exactly? Who's responsible for it? Is it considered
a primary or frontline or whatever Fedora deliverable? Who's going to
test it? How's it going to be promoted in relation to all our other

(I'm late on this, and I see the Change has been approved already, but
I'm not sure if any of the above questions were answered).
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
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