On Fri, May 23, 2014 at 06:02:07PM -0700, Adam Williamson wrote:
> Hi, folks! So, I quickly bashed out that draft F21 Test Plan I've been
> threatening to write for the last month or so.
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Adamwill/Draft_Fedora_21_test_plan
> So, what's the idea here?

Psshh -- so much for your claim of not doing any real work. This looks
great! I'll put discussing it on our next Cloud WG meeting.

> * There are several practical implications from the test plan - just
> Work We Need To Do. Most obviously, we need to draw up release criteria
> and supporting test cases for the Fedora.next Products. We also will
> need to adjust the

Mike has some drafted up for cloud at
It'll need a bit more by way of specifics.

> * Responsibilities! Particularly, in this *draft* Test Plan, I've
> suggested that creating the Product-specific criteria and test cases
> should be the responsibility of the relevant Working Groups, with
> assistance from the QA team. They would also be jointly responsible,

This seems like the right way to me, too.

> for Fedora 21 testing *overall* - i.e. it's the QA team's responsibility
> to make sure the WGs do the stuff assigned to them in the plan. If that
> makes sense. Discussion welcome!

Yeah. If something isn't working, do you think the best path is QA->WG
directly, or should it be QA says something to FESCo, FESCo works with WG?

Since parts of this are new to all of us, and other parts new to a lot of
us, maybe it'd be good to put suggested/reasonable deadlines on some parts
of the responsibilities? That helps put in focus what needs to be done.

Matthew Miller    --   Fedora Project    --    <mat...@fedoraproject.org>
                                  "Tepid change for the somewhat better!"
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