Am 07.05.2014 19:41, schrieb Felix Miata:
> On 2014-05-07 18:22 (GMT+0100) Sérgio Basto composed:
>> answering to the subject
>> my /etc/X11/xorg.conf is:
>> Section "ServerLayout"
>>      Identifier     "single head configuration"
>>      Option      "DontZap" "false"
>>      Option      "DontZoom" "false"
>> EndSection
> In what way does that answer anything? Unless you are using a UMS video 
> driver, I doubt DontZoom has any effect on
> anything. Does Ctrl-Alt-Bksp do anything on your system? If so, what locale 
> do you use, and which video driver?
that bring sme back to the login-creen on any pyhsical machine
with Ctrl-Alt-Bksp over years

[root@srv-rhsoft:/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d]$ cat 00-keyboard.conf
Section "InputClass"
 Identifier          "system-setup-keyboard"
 MatchIsKeyboard     "on"
 Option "XkbModel"   "pc105"
 Option "XkbLayout"  "de"
 Option "XkbVariant" "nodeadkeys"
 Option "XkbOptions" "terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp,"

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