On Mon, May 05, 2014 at 08:26:59 -0400,
 Gene Czarcinski <gczarcin...@gmail.com> wrote:
I think you need a little work on this. Ok, to update (install) a new kernel you execute:
       yum  update  kernel
that same as it was previously.

BUT, if you want to remove that same kernel, for example doing:
       yum  remove  kernel-3.15.0-0.rc3.git5.3.fc21
will only remove the kernel package and not kernel-core and kernel-modules. Instead, you need to execute
       yum  remove kernel-core-3.15.0-0.rc3.git5.3.fc21
to get kernel, kernel-core, and kernel-modules removed.

I believe that for regular (non cloud usage) we should just need to deal with the kernel package in both update and remove situations.

I don't think that can be made to work with dependencies. To work kernel-core would need to depend on kernel, so that installing kernel-core would require kernel which requires kernel-modules, which is a problem.

In most cases old kernels get removed by updates, so most people aren't going to try to be removing specific old kernels by hand. For those that do, using kernel-core instead of kernel isn't a big deal. The main thing is that the change should be documented in the release notes (and perhaps other places) to avoid confusion.
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