Il 05/05/2014 13:41, Mikolaj Izdebski ha scritto:
Next week I am going to update log4j in rawhide from version 1.2 to version 2.0-rc1 [2].2.0 ships with a module providing limited 1.2 compatibility. For more info see [1]. List of 105 components which require or build-require log4j (and therefore are possibly affected by this update) follows. [1] [2]
hi some build deps are available for log4j(2) com.lmax:disruptor org.lightcouch:lightcouch
regards gil
acegisecurity ambari amplab-tachyon ant apache-commons-configuration apache-commons-logging apacheds apacheds-shared apache-log4j-extras apache-mime4j apache-poi avalon-framework avalon-logkit axis axis2 azureus bookkeeper cas-client cobertura codenarc cxf eclipse-linuxtools eclipse-swtbot eclipse-wtp-sourceediting eclipse-wtp-webservices eucalyptus ezmorph findbugs-contrib freemarker freemind gemini-blueprint glite-lb-client-java gmetrics hadoop hawtbuf hawtdb hawtjni hbase hibernate hive infinispan jamonapi jasperreports java-uuid-generator jboss-logging jboss-logmanager-log4j jbossws-common-tools jbossws-cxf jdom2 jenkins jericho-html jets3t jexcelapi jglobus jgroups jgroups212 jilter json-lib littleproxy log4j-jboss-logmanager logback maven-doxia maven-javadoc-plugin mchange-commons mercury metrics mule mx4j mybatis narayana netty not-yet-commons-ssl oat olfs openid4java openjpa openshift-java-client ovirt-engine-sdk-java owasp-esapi-java pax-logging plexus-graph protostream proxool quartz seam-solder slf4j snmp4j solr spark springframework springframework-batch springframework-retry spring-ldap spymemcached thrift tomcat uima-addons velocity wise woden ws-jaxme xbean xml-security zanata-client zookeeper
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