Am 20.04.2014 20:19, schrieb drago01:
> On Sun, Apr 20, 2014 at 6:53 PM, Kevin Kofler <> wrote:
>> Christian Schaller wrote:
>>> where we at the same time need to allow each user to have any port they
>>> desire opened for traffic to make sure things like DLNA or Chromecast
>>> works.
>> Such things MUST NOT be enabled by default.
> No one suggested that. Currently the user enables them and they do not
> work until after he/she disables the firewall

wrong - until he *configures* the firewall to open the needed ports
if that can't be half-automated with confirmation in any case

even open the ports full automated should be strongly prohibited
because taking away the users control is *not* why Linux as
project was staretd - there are enough other blackbox systems

i doubt that *any* software on this planet needs the firewall to be
completly disbaled and if such crap was written because using random
ports for no good reason it has no existence authority

there is *no single* valid reason to disable the firewall as default
in 2014 period and if there are applications which needs manual
configuration from the user then lead him to the needed documentation
or remove that completly from the distribution

anybody thinking in 2014 install a OS with a disabled firewall must
have lived below a stone the last decade and should not be permitted
to make decisions affecting the enduser

and honestly the above was said as nice as possible, maybe even too nice

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