Am 17.04.2014 09:50, schrieb David Tardon:
> On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 12:48:47AM +0200, Reindl Harald wrote:
>> why do whe have that always with libreoffice?
> I will send a note to the editors of Oxford English Dictionary that
> "always" has been redefined to mean "in less than 10 % of cases". If I
> count correctly, we have issued 26 updates for F-20 that made it into
> stable (plus a few others that were obsoleted by a later one). One of
> these had a problem. Now there is a second one.

the main question is why

>> the broken build hangs around for 30 hours in the repo
> Good. Since you are so concerned about it, what have you done to make me
> aware of the problem?

 hreindl - 2014-04-16 09:02:37
independent of how often i do rm -rf /var/cache/yum* i still have the broken 
previous build in updates-testing
starting with yesterday evening Processing Dependency: for 

> Hint: I consider the mails from various Fedora tools as nonessential

which seemes to be a problem if you don't verify your builds

> to be read when I have time. But there are other ways, more suitable 
> for urgent problems, like IRC...

well you could simply try updates-testing at your own

> Btw, 30 hours is not so much, considering that it takes f*ing 14 hours
> just to build new packages because of ARM...

the 30 hours starts couting *after* that and has to be added

>> the supposed to fix that one is not pushed
> got +2 karma and passed AutoQA. Whatever has happened after that is
> hardly my fault.

i don't care who's fault it is - that build does not help as long the
previous made it already in a repo

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