On 03/23/2014 03:17 AM, Kevin Kofler wrote:
> Antonio Trande wrote:
>> I need your help with F1LT application[1]. Its latest release (3.0.0)
>> seems not work even if little things are changed in SPEC file.
> I see you already resolved your problem with upstream's help:
> https://bitbucket.org/pieczar/f1lt/issue/3/f1lt-commit-7440f9a-does-not-run
> However, there are several issues in your spec file (not related to this 
> particular issue, but they should be fixed):
> | Requires(post): gtk2
> | Requires(postun): gtk2
> should NOT be used. gtk-update-icon-cache is only necessary if GTK+ is 
> actually installed. See:
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:ScriptletSnippets#Icon_Cache
> "Note that no dependencies should be added for this."
> | BuildRequires: qt-devel >= 4.7, desktop-file-utils, dos2unix
> "qt-devel >= 4.7" will NOT work as expected, qt-devel has Epoch 1 and so ALL 
> versions of qt-devel are >= 4.7. You need either "qt-devel >= 1:4.7", or, 
> better, "qt4-devel >= 4.7". (qt4-devel is a Provides in qt-devel.) Using 
> qt4-devel will also work when Qt 5 will become the default (and also on old 
> Fedora/RHEL versions where Qt 3 was the default, but you probably won't find 
> 4.7 available on those).
> Basically, NEVER BuildRequire qt-devel, ALWAYS use qt4-devel instead.
>         Kevin Kofler

I'll fix them.
Thank you.

Antonio Trande

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