On Tue 18 Mar 2014 04:07:40 PM CET Omair Majid <oma...@redhat.com> wrote:

> * Jaroslav Reznik <jrez...@redhat.com> [2014-03-18 10:38]:
>> Initial testing showed 80% build failure rate due to OpenJDK 8
>> update.
> This is caused by a change in the default doclint settings used by
> OpenJDK 8. Think '-Wall -Werror' for those more familiar with gcc.
> We can patch OpenJDK 8 in Fedora to change the default to be more
> lenient. This would be a deviation from upstream (and people might be
> surprised when proprietary builds of Java exhibit different behaviour).
> If this is the main/driving motivation behind this Change (and not slow
> ARM boxes) please consider that fixing OpenJDK 8 is an option.

Lint is not the only reason really. Building javadocs is *really* painful
on arm (where most java builds end up these days).

It's more in the line of effort/gain calculation. There are very few
javadoc users (most people will just look up documentation
online). Quite important thing is our javadocs were never top-notch in
the first place. There is missing interlinking, sometimes javadoc builds
didn't finish (due to OOM) but builds succeeded and nobody actually
noticed. We also ship API for end-user applications (freemind) which
really *doesn't* make sense.

This change really has two goals:
 * Give maintainers option to decide if javadocs make sense (from their
   POV) for their package
 * Communicate this change to users

Stanislav Ochotnicky <sochotni...@redhat.com>
Software Engineer - Developer Experience

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