On Feb 27, 2014, at 9:53 PM, James Wilson Harshaw IV <jwhars...@gmail.com> 

> On 02/27/2014 11:20 PM, Chris Murphy wrote:
>> In the context of the default ext4+LVM layout the conversion still means 
>> separate /boot, /, and /home file systems. A major benefit of the Btrfs 
>> layout is these are subvolumes, which instead draw space from one volume 
>> pool. And that's lost with a conversion strategy. It also means going from a 
>> Fedora "standard" layout to a distinctly non-standard one because our Btrfs 
>> layout isn't like the result you'd get from what you're talking about.
>> Chris Murphy
> A question I have, forgive me if it seems stupid, is why not just change the 
> standard?

"standard" was probably not a good term for me to use instead of "preset". 

All I mean is, you can't do an ext4->Btrfs conversion and get the Btrfs preset 
the installer offers. You get something really different that not many people 
will likely have. So if you're the audience who wants a recommended layout by 
using installer default or guided path offerings, then you probably don't want 
to end up with something radically different.

Chris Murphy

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