On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 09:10:23AM -0700, Jerry James wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 8:54 AM, Jerry James <loganje...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > There's no parallel make involved.  Drat.  Well, I'll figure out which
> > test(s) are eating up the memory and disable it/them on ARM, I guess.
> >  Thanks for the replies, everybody.
> >
> A little bit of digging into the sources shows that I just need to add
> -DHAVE_FAST_COMPILER=0 to the build flags to turn off the tests that
> require large amounts of memory and CPU cycles to compile.  I will do this
> for ARM.  Are there any secondary arches that are likely to have the same
> problem?

It sounds rather ill-defined :-)  What counts as large amounts of
memory or CPU?

Can you choose it based on something like the output of `free -m`
and/or `grep -i bogomips /proc/cpuinfo` ?  Note the second command
might not produce any output (no output on ARM for sure) so don't rely
on that.


Richard Jones, Virtualization Group, Red Hat http://people.redhat.com/~rjones
virt-top is 'top' for virtual machines.  Tiny program with many
powerful monitoring features, net stats, disk stats, logging, etc.
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